Pt. 1 : Hey

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October 2nd

           Running through the crowded streets of Michigan Ave on the rainiest day of the year was not how she planned on spending her Friday evening. Jade Montgomery didn't think to check the weather on the news this morning until she flopped in to her small cubicle fifteen minutes late and heard the chatter of her fellow co-workers. At least it was the last day of the week and for the next two days she could relax a bit. Knowing that the work day was over, was all the push she needed to keep pushing out of the door as the clock struck 5pm.

          She flipped her short brown curls to rid of the access rain attached to her curly strands. Wiping the cold water from over her eyes, barley seeing the entry way to the train station desperately wanting make her way to her empty two-bedroom apartment. As she made her way to the furthest side of the train car, taking a deep breath due to the constriction of her lungs from running so fast, trying not to fall, she heard a ding indicating she had received a text message.

"Hey" it read. 

Rolling her mascara covered grey eyes, she sighed knowing exactly what the text meant.

         Although one word, the simple text meant more than just a greeting. The text meant " I'm coming over to pretend that I love you, to lay with you, use you, then leave." Her mind told her to disregard the message, go home and take a nice bath and use a bottle of wine to drown in her sorrows, but her heart spoke otherwise. Moving over the keyboard of her freshly replaced Iphone she responded


That was all it took for him to know that she was still on the same fishing hook, willing to take the old rusty worm he'd attached to it years ago. 

        James was her first true love. Sure, she had boyfriends before him and after him, but she loved him differently. She loved with a passion so strong she'd put his happiness before her own. She'd gone through hell and back with this man and still allowed him to mentally and emotionally abuse her.

She'd met him her senior year of high school and had been in love with him since then. Began as friends, ended up as best friends, became as lovers ended up as benefits. James was nowhere near a friend anymore, so benefits was all that was left to describe whatever it was that they've become. After the inevitable breakup, she tried to move on, but James would never allow it. James played on her feelings for him like she was a lost puppy. She knew they were never getting back into a relationship, but she couldn't stop herself from letting him find his way in between her legs, into her mind, worst of all into her heart.

James was not the typical boy next door when they first met. being known for his excellent skills in playing football she couldn't help herself from falling in love with him and made a vow to herself that she wouldn't let a second go by without letting him know that she was hooked on him.

It wasn't always like this, she believed that he once loved her. It may have only lasted a moment, but once upon a time it was there. By the time she made it to her small apartment, she was drenched and aggravated. Even more pissed because deep down she knew what was about to happen.

Sure, she would still get to the nice bath and wine to drown in her sorrows, it would just be in a couple of hours later than planned.

"You had me waiting forever."

She had half the mind to kick his one leg from underneath him while the other was lifted to the brown brick behind him as he leaned against her building, typing away on his phone barely paying attention to her.

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