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Recap: Chakor met with Soman, there is a doubt inside her.

Chakor was getting ready for the party, her heart felt heavy, there was something she couldn't ignore. How much she is trying to defame Sir, but why I'm thinking of her. Is she right? Has Suraj done this all just to have a new prey?

But what if she is playing a game and I'm her pawn, she is using me for her own goals to destroy Suraj?

But it could be true too, what if Suraj is just pretending to be good and in reality he does play with the dignity of a woman?

I'm so confused, what should I do?

Suraj was getting ready for the party, Ragini was looking at him, "bhai you need a wife. I can't do this always." She helped him in binding his tie.

Suraj pouts, "what Ragini, you too starts with it. I don't want to marry I don't believe in love you know women are illoyal, excluding you and mom, they run behind money and wealth. I know it." He wasn't liking it to talk about this topic, but Ragini knows him better.

"Okay Bhaiya, but once you said you will marry the woman of mom's choice and we both know she made a choice." She pretended to cough,"Chakor!" She said and left the room.

Suraj was looking at himself in the mirror. I know mom made a choice, but I don't want an easy woman. Like I said a woman who falls for my words isn't worth it to become my wife. Let's see what the time will show. He smirks and left the room.

The hall was fully decorated, the guest were arriving and the drinks were given to everyone.

Teju was looking around, "Suraj?"

Suraj turns, "haan Maa, what happen?" He hold her hand as she was looking tensed.

Teju pouts, "Suraj where is Chakor, isn't she your PA, she should be here before the guests arrives, but she is late." She was upset as she didn't expected it from here.

Chakor come out of the kitchen, she was looking around, "wait!" She shouts and the waiter stopped, "yes ma'am?" He returns to her, she checked the glasses and fumes, "look how you filled them, improperly and there is a pool of alcohol on the tray. Go clean it and filled properly and accurately." She scold him and the waiter left from there.

Teju hits Suraj hand away and rushed to Chakor, "Chakor, when did you come?" She asked and Chakor startled, she hits her palm on her forehead, "sorry aunty I got busy in the work that I forgot to meet you once. I was late and the party was going to start. I'm very sorry." She hold her ears and Teju smiles, caressing her head, "it's okay beta, don't do much work enjoy the moment."

Suraj was looking at her, he hates it to see her in traditional clothes, but he was looking at her totally mesmerised. She was looking breathtaking, it felt as if the moment stopped and they were alone, as her gaze met with his.

He was standing at the stairway, she was standing under it. The moment Teju left, he come down to her.

"Good evening Chakor." He said in his Casanova way, his gaze was glued on her intensely. She didn't felt uncomfortable, yet there was a cold shudder, reminding her the words of Sonam.

"He will throw you out of his life as soon as he got fed up of you. He just needs a new prey."

Suraj hold her hand, "are you alright? I said good evening." He smiles at her and she was lost in his cute smile and the eyes which shows her peace.

" He smiles at her and she was lost in his cute smile and the eyes which shows her peace

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Chakor tried not to fall in any trap, "go... good evening Sir, sorry I was lost somewhere. Is everything alright with the arrangements for the party. I hope I didn't forget or missed something?" She was nervous and tried to avoid his gaze.

Suraj found it fishy, "no, I don't think so. Why do you think, that you forgot something?" He asked her and she shook her head, "no." She thugs her hairs behind her ear and excuses herself. "I will check the drinks, the waiters aren't working properly."

Suraj nods, "okay." She left and he was thinking. What the hell is going on here? She is nervous and scared as if she knows something and isn't telling me. What could it be? I have to keep an eye on her, oh yes I know how to make her fall in my trap. Maa will help me.

Chakor was shaking. Oh no I have to be careful, but why I'm scared. This Sonam put a doubt in my mind, but she didn't showed me any evidences. What if she is trapping me in her plan of destroying Suraj Sir? I have to be careful I can't trust everyone just because they look innocent.

Ragini was happy, the party was a full success, "bhai come on dance!" She shouts, she took Chakor's hand and pushes her toward Suraj.

Sukor were looking at each other...

Sukor were looking at each other

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So who is manipulating whom???

Manipulate - SuKor [completed, not edited]Where stories live. Discover now