Suffer reverse?

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Recap: Suraj truth is out, Chakor has recorded the talk between Suraj and Sonam giving her a warning.

Suraj was at home, he was looking at ceiling of his room. Damn it, Chakor why? He made a fist in anger and hit on his bed.

Chakor was back at her home, she was resting on her bed thinking of her decision. I'm not going to resign or letting him to win over my confidence. I will stay and work hard, what I have done before too. I know he was wrong, but I won't let him suffer for something he hasn't done anything wrong to me. He wanted me to go, oh please. It's easy to do that, but it's hard to keep me. That is his punishment, I will stay.

Suraj stood up from the bed, "Maa!" He shouts loudly, which even scared Ragini, who has seen him tensed ever since he returned.

Teju entered the bedroom, "what happened to you? Why are you shouting like this?" She caresses his cheek, "has something happened?"

Suraj eyes were red, he was trying to avoid her gaze. How much hate and shame he has, how can he confess his crimes he had done in the past to gain, what he wanted.

"Suraj say something you are scaring me." His mother said holding his chin.

"Maa I..?" He took a deep breath and confessed his past crimes, his mother couldn't believe it.

"What you done with those women, didn't you ever thought about them or about the one who is staying under your roof and is protected by you?" Teju taunts him, which he understood.

All his acts could be reflected to his sister's life, he would be responsible for it.

"Maa I know and now I want to change, I'm changing, but she doesn't want to leave. She still wants to work for me." Suraj shook his head in disbelief, "why is she doing this?"

Teju was thinking shortly, but then she gave him a warning gaze, "to punish you."

"Punish me?" He asked confused, "how?"

"Suraj no one changes like this, something might had happened that you couldn't go the way you wanted with her. Have you started liking her?"

Suraj looked out of the window, "yes, I do like her, more than I have liked other women in life before."

"Now she won't let you come closer. She has seen your change too, she trusted you once, but now anymore."

"Then she should leave, right?" Suraj said, but Teju shook her head, "wrong, she should stay and make you suffer. You know that, it is the right punishment to see the one you love, but she is unreachable for you."

Suraj knew that, but it didn't frighten him. I know she is here to make me suffer, but I don't care. I care about the disappointment, she had respected me and somewhere she might have liked me, but now she will always remember my betrayal. I wanted to manipulate her, but her innocence changed me, now I'm a better human, but she won't see it. I'm the reason of her pain.

Chakor was trying to sleep on her bed, but it was difficult for her. She was looking around the room searching for someone. Chakor stupid you are at home not in the hotel with Suraj Sir. There is no one watching you!

Chakor was moving from right to left her sleep wasn't peaceful as she was scared to face him. Her mind was playing a game with her, she had decided to stay, but why?

Oh God please let me sleep a little but, I need it for tomorrow. I have to be fit to handle my work without getting disturbed by someone. I accepted the job thinking he is a nice guy, I can't be this wrong in judging a human.

Chakor sat on the bed holding the pillow tightly, as if she was hugging it. He could have used me and let me suffer, but he didn't. He has changed and I can't let him go away like this. I want him to suffer too, but how?

Chakor was thinking, her mind wasn't working like the one of Teju, she didn't thought of it like she did. For Chakor the work matters, she wouldn't be able to find a new job in this short time. Her intention to stay has nothing to do with revenge but because of neediness.

Suraj couldn't sleep the whole night thinking of her and her behaviour of making him suffer, but at the other side he was happy to see the strong Chakor, who can speak up for herself now.

Crap 😂

Manipulate - SuKor [completed, not edited]Where stories live. Discover now