Chapter 4: Home

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A/N: In this chapter there will be a Youtube link to an instrumental song. There will be a cue  for when you should start it. Of course it is optional, but I think it will really give you the same feeling (Y/N) has at that moment. I'm not sure if it works on a phone, but on my laptop it worked. Anyways, enjoy.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

When the girls of Beauxbatons are done making their entrance, the boys of Durmstrang make theirs. Weird, I thought both weren't gendered schools... The Dumstrang entrance is quite aggressive and intense. Harry and Ron seem intrigued, whilst Hermione is smiling lightly at Viktor Krum, Bulgaria's most famous Seeker. Everyone is looking at the two other wizarding schools, but my eyes are looking at Slytherin again. I catch myself in the proces, and take my glance to Dumbledore instantly.

I think it's best not to keep my mind on the Malfoy boy... He may be very interesting, but this is a new school after all and I need to make sure the Headmaster doesn't think I'm easily distracted. I need to make a plan. There's no Quidditch this year, so I'll have to find another hobby. And friends. I need friends. Although I do think that Harry, Ron, Hermione and the twins are okay with my company. Merlin's beard, I sound desperate! I have to stop worrying, the year has only just begun...

"Hogwarts! Let's entertain our friends in the best way we can, all stand!" Dumbledore says whilst coming closer to the students. I see everyone rising up.

"Wait, what is going on?" I ask concernedly.

"The Hogwarts School Song!" Fred says.

"It's tradition." George adds.

"Maestro please!" Dumbledore shouts.

Good Merlin...

I take a look around me and suddenly the whole school is singing the so called 'Hogwarts School  Song'. I feel quite embarrassed for not knowing the song, but then again, this is all new to me. Fred and George notice my awkwardness and stop singing. I give them a confused look, which they reply to by saying 'follow our lead' and start swinging their arms aggressively. Harry and Ron notice it too and start doing it as well. I mouth them a 'thank you' and join the swinging.

When the song is finished Dumbledore tells us that there is a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and after the introduction, he says the magic words to make the feast appear. I am stunned, the feast looks amazing!

"Come on now (Y/N), dive in!" Fred and George say.

I smile at them and start eating.

Draco's p.o.v.

"Hogwarts! Let's entertain our friends in the best way we can, all stand!"

You're kidding, we're not gonna sing the Hogwarts School Song, are we? Bloody hell, we definitely are going to. This is so lame. I should've attended Durmstrang, like my father wanted. (Y/N) hasn't looked at me since the entrance of Beauxbatons' girls, instead she seems more interested in the Durmstrang boys and the Weasley twins.

All Hogwarts' students are singing, except for (Y/N). I feel kind of bad for her, it must be embarrassing. Maybe she'll look at me again now. Come on, (Y/N), please let our eyes meet... Wait, what are the Weasley twins doing? They're making complete fools out of themsel-... (Y/N) IS DOING IT TOO? They've got her under her spell... They don't deserve her. They've probably told her that I'm the enemy... I need to start a conversation with her tomorrow in class, so that I can show her that I'm not a bad person, I'm not the enemy.

I'll show you who you should be spending time with, (Y/N). I really am not the enemy.


(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

The feast has just ended and now we're on our way to the Gryffindor Common Room. I look around and see the most beautiful objects, including moving paintings and staircases. It's all-... WAIT STAIRCASES?! The moment I take a step on one of the staircases, it starts moving. I  lose my balance for a second, but luckily Fred & George catch me and make sure I don't fall.

"You guys, this is the second time you had to save me, I'm so sorry." I giggled.

"No problem, (Y/N)" Fred says sweetly.

"Weasleys at your service, right Freddie?" George adds.

"Always." Fred says and they both smile.

"Thank you guys, I'm feeling at home already."

"Just wait until you see the Common Room, (Y/N)." Harry tells me.

Just a few more steps and we've arrived at the Common Room. The door to the Common Room is guarded by a huge painting. 'Balderdash' I hear the Prefect say, I guess that's the password.

> Play the song "Home" (below here) now

I wait for the door to fully open, and follow the other students in entering. I'm very excited to see what my home for the next few years will look like. I've heard it's cosy and that there is a beautiful fireplace...

I take a step inside and...

I'm enchanted.

I'm welcomed by a roaring fire, stuffed armchairs and a beautiful view from outside the windows. The fireplace mantle is adorned with a portrait of a lion, and everywhere there are shades of red and gold. Red is my favorite color.

Seeing all of this kind of makes me miss Ilvermorny. I'm quite sad that there won't be any Quidditch this year, and I miss my friends. Although I'm sure I will like Hogwarts just as much, or even better, I still feel a bit melancholic. Things will definitely be different, but maybe in a good way. Ilvermorny was beautiful... but Hogwarts is gorgeous.  And back there I had an amazing Common Room, but this one is simply...


Everything looks magical.

The dormitories are reached by climbing mahogany staircases, decorated with crimson and golden embellishments. The beds are covered with scarlet blankets, and the golden chandeliers cast warm glows.

"Are you feeling at home yet?" Hermione asks.

"I am." I tell her.

"I'm glad, I can't wait to do fun stuff like going on adventures and going to Hogsmeade with you. I'd really like to be friends." Hermione says giving me a warm smile.

"I would love that, Hermione." I say returning the smile.

"Splendid, let's go downstairs to meet the boys. They will be dying to know what you think of this place. You see, I think they will all really like hanging out with you."

"I really hope so, thank you." I say and I give her a hug.

We walk downstairs to meet the boys, and just like Hermione predicted, they all wanna know what I think of the Common Room.

"Well?!" Harry asks enthusiastically.

"How did you like the Common Room?" Ron asks.

"Yes, tell us!" Fred and George say, which makes me giggle and smile.

"I've actually never felt more at home anywhere else."

And that's the truth. When I heard I was transferring schools, a part of me was very scared and sad. I've cried a lot over it. But in the middle of this sorrow, so much hope and love endured. Everyday in my childhood I was told 'home is where the heart is', and now I know it's true. Because I feel like this is where my heart is and will be for the coming years.

This is it.

This is home.

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