Chapter 5: Defence Against the Dark Arts

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(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

This is so exciting!! My very first class at Hogwarts!

The classroom looks magnificent and I'm quite occupied with staring at the Thestral skeleton with an amazed gaze. As I walk further into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, I bump into someone.

"Watch yourself!" I hear. I look up to see who I bumped into, and o my Merlin... You've got to be kidding me...

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." My face turns bright red.

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry (Y/N), I didn't know it was you. " Draco Malfoy says. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, absolutely, totally... I mean... I'm fine really."

"I'm glad, so uh I'll just go ahead and... " Draco starts, but he stops. Without another word he speed-walks to his housemates.

Confused, I turn around and sit next to Hermione, after she's aggressively pat the seat next to her a few times. Harry and Ron are seated behind us.

"Hey (Y/N), excited for your very first class here at Hogwarts?" Harry asks.

Right when I want to answer his question, the door to the classroom slams open and with that, everyone is silent. A man with a pair of very curious goggles walks in. He stands in front of the class and starts to introduce himself.

"Alastor Moody. Ex-auror, Ministry malcontent* and your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story. Goodbye. The end. Any questions?"

The classroom remains dead-silent. I look around to see if this class is usually like this, but everyone seems as shocked as I am.

"When it comes to dark arts, I believe in a practical approach." He continues. Harry and Ron share a look at this.

"First, which one of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

Hermione answers: "Three, sir."

"And they are so named?"

"Because they're unforgivable. The use of any one of them will..."

"Earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban." Moody interrupts her. "Correct. Now, the Minister says you're too young to see what these curses do, I say different."

I look at Hermione with a concerned expression, and she returns it. Seamus seems to be bored and is chewing gum.

"You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find another place to hide your chewing gum besides the under side of your desk, Mr. Finnigan."

Seamus looks up while indeed, he's trying to stick his gum to the underside of his desk. What on earth? How did he see that, we were facing his back?

Seamus mutters something, which leads to Moody throwing chalk at him.

I look over to Draco, but can't read his expression. I hope this lesson will be over soon, cause Professor Moody is not playing around...

Timeskip to Lunch

"Oy (Y/N), already on first name base with Malfoy?" Fred asks me.

"Wait what?" I ask.

"Ron told us you had a little run in with Malfoy this morning during Defence Against the Dark Arts." George says.

"Yeah and he said it looked quite cozy... wink wink..." Fred adds with a huge smirk on his face and I respond by rolling my eyes.

"I wasn't paying attention to what was happening in front of me, so I accidentally ran into him." I answer. "But I'm not sure why that's so interesting?"

"I agree." Hermione says. "Besides, something way more disturbing happened today during Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"That's true! Moody showed us the three unforgivable curses... on a spider..." Harry says.

"And he used the cruciatus curse on it, right in front of Neville. Poor Neville..." Ron tells.

"It is unacceptable, especially since what happened to Neville's parents." Hermione says with anger in her voice.

"Wait, I'm confused, what exactly happened to Neville's parents?" I ask.

"Oh uhm... well... A deatheater called Bellatrix LeStrange tortured his parents with the cruciatus curse and now they're in St. Mungo's..." Hermione answers.

"That's a nut-house." Ron says. "The cruciatus curse drove them insane and now they're in there."

"Charming, Ronald, that's one way to say it..." Hermione tells Ron with an annoyed look on her face.

I SWEAR these two fancy each other.

"By Merlin... poor Neville..." I say, whilst scanning the Great Hall for his presence, but he's nowhere in sight.

The trio and the twins continue eating and they have conversations, but my mind keeps returning to Neville. Should I go look for him? I decided yes, and wait for the right moment to leave the table. I finish half of my lunch and tell the rest I forgot some books and that I'm going to get them in the dormitories.

"Shall I go with you?" Hermione asks. She's such a sweetheart.

"No, no it's fine. Don't stop eating because of me, I'll see you guys in class!" I say, walking away.

As I make my way to the exit, I see Draco's not with his friends. When they notice me, they start whispering and giggling. Weird, I'll deal with that later.

First: Neville.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Now, I know this chapter did not have that much Draco X Reader, but I'll make up for that in the next chapter, I promise :)

* Ministry malcontent: it means he's anti-ministry, basically

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