Chapter 14: Two Weeks

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Chapter 14: Two Weeks

                I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee. It filled my nose, the promise of caffeine causing me to groan as I blinked open my heavy eyelids. Dimitri and I had been up late last night; his sexy gaze in the hallway had developed into much more throughout the day, and we’d needed to blow off some steam. Of course, that also meant I was exhausted, naked, and in need of that coffee.

I rolled over, expecting to have the bed to myself. Coffee meant Dimitri was up already, like usual; he almost always got up with the sun. I liked having our big bed to myself. It was nice to flop down and feel like I was floating for awhile.

                To my surprise, I ran into a bare chest, my face hitting muscle as I cursed under my breath.

“You’re supposed to be making coffee,” I grumbled, sitting up and running a hand through my hair. Dimitri crammed a pillow over his head, ignoring me and dozing off again. I shoved him playfully before reaching for my pajama shirt, letting the sheet slip onto the bed.

                As I looked up, I almost screamed as I saw Lissa sitting at my vanity, cup of coffee at her lips. I grabbed the sheet again and hid my bared chest, almost yanking it off Dimitri in the process.

“What the hell, Lissa?” I practically yelled, snatching Dimitri’s pillow and throwing it at her. He was awake now, trying to steal the sheet from me to cover himself up. “You know, we do have a doorbell!”

“Good morning,” she smirked. “I see you two had a busy night.”

“We weren’t expecting any visitors,” Dimitri answered. It was the first time I’d ever heard him snap at Lissa; it was kind of sexy.

                She flinched, looking back to me. “I’m sorry, but I had news that couldn’t wait.”

“Not even until we were dressed?” I said, wriggling into the baggie t-shirt and standing up. “Where are your Guardians? Did they–“

“Cassie says you have a nice ass, Dimitri,” she grinned wickedly. I grabbed another pillow, about to beam her again, until Dimitri restrained me, shaking his head. I could see the anger flickering in his eyes, but there was also curiosity; she had come here for a reason, after all.

“What do you want, Liss?” I said, going to lean against my vanity. We both faced Dimitri who remained helplessly in the bed, covered only by the sheet. I had to remind myself that Lissa was still here, otherwise I would’ve been back in the bed with him instead of the sheet.

“We’re moving up the wedding,” she announced nonchalantly. “To two weeks from Friday.”

                Dimitri and I stared at each other in shock.

“No,” I said simply, trying to remember how to form a coherent thought. Two weeks? That was nothing. We were supposed to have a couple months. “Lissa, we can’t. I thought the Lodge was booked and the caterer and–“

“I’m the Queen,” she shrugged. “I always get what I want.”

                Her words had a double meaning that Dimitri and I both caught, but this wasn’t her choice; it was ours. We’d already been talking about postponing it if this drama with Jill dragged out.

                Jill. She was doing this as a distraction from Jill.

“How dare you,” I growled, backing away from her and towards Dimitri. I knew Court had been getting to her head, but I hadn’t realized she’d become a politician demon like the rest of them. “You’re not using us as a decoy from your little sister’s official state as a nut job. The date is staying the same.”

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