Diary Entry #14: Farewell my Friends . . . ?

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The "Last Supper" with Cerra et al was delicious and emotional. If Fred ever decides to return to North America and open a café that offers South American cuisine, he'll make a killing.

We're planning to keep in touch. He said he might even endeavor to visit the States—and me—before he, to paraphrase, exhales his last breath. I'll definitely miss him.

I saw Cerra earlier this evening, from a distance of course. Although I didn't let her know I was back in town, Roberto's aware. He'd come to see Fred about some odd job and, lo and behold, who did he find with her legs thrashing the water as she (ineffectually) slapped annoying gnats? Yup, yours truly.

We chatted a wee while over tepid sugary sodas. As always, the teen's maturity astounds me. A this-is-me-I'm-in-your-face kid, he's straightforward, if not blunt. I couldn't help but think how he'd make for an interesting fiction character and eventually I decided he'd serve as an interesting foil for Faylee, the kick-ass trainer turned private eye.

Roberto mentioned how fond he'd always been of me and once again thanked me for helping him put life into perspective, even if he'd not acted upon the advice, at least not yet. A few more beatings—he sported an ugly blue-and-purple eye and scraped chin—might encourage him to do so.

As for Cerra, it was tempting to ask how she was doing and if she missed me, but I held back. Fortunately, Roberto could prattle like a politician on the campaign trail. It appears Mr. Pretty-Boy Varsity, the attractive beefy guy she was sitting with at the bar, is working on a Masters degree on South American indigenous people, but in what capacity he wasn't sure. Jerome Wylleen-Karry IV is Mr. Varsity's actual name. A silver-spoon-in-mouth name if ever there was one.

Jerome's decided that Cerra's town is as good as any to begin preliminary research, and has settled in for an indefinite period—in her humble home. Roberto doesn't believe he'll stay long, though; Mr. Varsity's mind, despite what the physical appearance might suggest, is quite focused on obtaining ("acing") that degree and then acquiring a PhD. 

How stimulating does he find Cerra? Does he enjoy those too cute teddy-bear stories? Does he see through the [abundant] counterfeit cheer? Has he told her how wealthy his Maine-based father is (Roberto learned Daddy has enough money to buy an island or three).

Just as I was wondering whether Jerome bought Cerra gifts, Roberto mentioned that he regularly provides little presents for his "lady love" (ouch) and the boys.

So Cerra's moved on, probably without a blink or thought. Such is life. People enter and leave our lives. Sometimes it's fine, par for the course. Sometimes it hurts. A lot.

I'll just have to believe that I meant something to Cerra. I'll remember the good times and forget the bad; in retrospect, there weren't that many bad ones. Perspective: how it doth changeth with time and distance.

Roberto's promised not to tell Cerra he saw me and I've gotten to know him well enough to recognize that when he makes a promise, he keeps it. Even drug dealers have a certain level of integrity.

  Even drug dealers have a certain level of integrity

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