Meeting Sonic's Friends Chapter 2

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Sonic looked at Bliss as they stopped walking for a minute.

"So you're the new girl in town?"

"Yeah. I arrived 2 days ago. I was just about to visit the flower gardens when suddenly I saw you with Eggman. So I followed you and decided to help."

"Well you were pretty brave and have amazing powers too. You should meet my friends. They'll love you."

"Oh I don't want to interfer."

"Nonsense it'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

"Oh thank you!"

"No problem." Sonic grabbed you and held you bridal style.

"W-What are you..."

"Hang on tight!"

"Why would I...whoa!" Sonic began to use his speed to run towards his place. Bliss held onto him tight as he ran. Sonic blushed a little as he finally arrived.

"We're here." Bliss was totally shocked from how fast he ran. She never saw a hedgehog run like that before.

"How did you do that?"

"You probably haven't heard but people call me the fastest thing alive."

"Looks like they're not lying."

"What do people call you?"

"I don't really have a hero name yet."

"Oh...maybe one day you will."

"Thanks." Sonic smiled at her.

"No problem." Suddenly, the front door open and a brown female badger came out. She widened her eyed and yelled,

"It's another Amy! The evil clones will kill us all!" She threw a boomerang at Bliss, making her gasp as she dodged the boomerang. The weapon returned to her as she ran towards Bliss to attack her. Bliss flew into the sky to get away from her.

"Whoa! Whoa! Sticks! That's not an Amy clone! She doesn't even look like her." Bliss continued to stay in the sky until everything was ok.

"Who is she then?"

"This is my new friend, Bliss." Bliss waved nervously from above. Sticks glared at her.

"I'm watching you." Sticks said as she walked back inside. Once she was gone, Bliss slowly landed on the ground, Looking confused.

"I am so sorry. That was one of my friends. Her name was Sticks. She...she can be pretty over protective sometimes."

"I see..."

"Come on in." Bliss followed Sonic inside the house. When she walked inside, she looked around and smiled a little. Suddenly, she saw a yellow fox with two tails. She was shocked. The fox looked at her with a smile.

"Hello. May I help you?" Bliss was about to say something but Sonic started to talk.

"Hey Tails, this is my new friend Bliss. She's new to town."

"It's nice to meet you Bliss. I'm Miles but everyone calls me Tails."

"Nice to meet you too. I've never seen a fox with two tails before. It's cool!"

"Thanks." Soon and pink hedgehog and a red echidna walked in.

"Awesome! Another girl! Hi! I'm Amy and this is Knuckles."

"Hi." Knuckles said.

"It's nice to meet you all." Bliss said.

"Bliss saved me from Eggman today."

"What!? You were kidnapped!? Why didn't you call us?"

"I tried but it lost it's signal."

"I'll fix it later." Tails said.

"Well I better go. It was nice meeting you."

"Until tomorrow?" Sonic asked.

"Sure." Bliss smiled as she walked home. Sonic smiled as well.

Here's a sneak peek for the next Chapter:

Sonic: Are you hungry?
Bliss: Nice town.
Amy: You look amazing!

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 3. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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