The Siren Curse Chapter 4 Part 1

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Bliss slowly woke up as she realized that she was in the same glass tube that Sonic was in. She tried using her powers to escape but none of them worked. Suddenly, she saw Eggman laughing as she glared at him.

"You should realize by now that your powers don't work in that tube." Eggman turned his head.

"Nice work...Shadow." Bliss was confused but then she suddenly say another hedgehog walked out of the darkness. He was a black and red hedgehog with red eyes. Bliss was shocked to see a hedgehog on Eggman's side.

"Surprised? Meet Shadow The Hedgehog. He's my new assistant."

"Don't call me that." Bliss was also shocked on how deep his voice is but she quickly shook it off.

"What do you want from me?"

"I need you to test out my new invention. Once it's complete, Sonic will join me and I will rule the world!" Eggman said laughing. Cubot looked at Shadow and then at Eggman.

"Uh...sir? I have a question. Won't this affect Shadow too?" Bliss was confused while Shadow rolled his eyes.

"Of course not. He can withstand anything. Especially with this device."


"Grab her Shadow and put on the special handcuffs on her." Shadow nodding, opened the tube door and placed the handcuffs on her as he took her out. Bliss tried to teleport but the handcuffs were blocking her powers.

Shadow held her tight, making sure she doesn't escape. Bliss couldn't get out of his grip because she doesn't have her super strength. Eggman aimed his weapon at her, making her widen her eyes.

Eggman smirked and pressed the button as it zapped her. Bliss screamed in pain as Shadow watched. The robots watched as well while Eggman laughed. Once it was over, Bliss was panting slightly as she opens her eyes which they were no longer pink. They were glowing bright blue.

Meanwhile with the others, Sonic was waiting for Bliss to show up but she never did. Sonic was getting worried. Amy walked in the room.

"What's wrong Sonic?"

"She's still not here yet. She said she was coming over."

"Give her a break Sonic. She just moved into town. She's probably finishing unpacking." Amy said as she walked away.

"She's probably right but she wouldn't back down on us. She would of called us. Then again, we don't even have her phone number and she doesn't have a communicator." Sonic suddenly heard distinct singing.

"Huh?" Sonic looked outside and saw a bunch of people walking towards something.

"What is that?" Sonic got up and left the house. Knuckles came into the room with two sandwiches.

"Hey Sonic? Wanna sand...wich?" Knuckles noticed that he was not there.

"Aw well. More for me!" Knuckles said as he ate both of the sandwiches. Sonic followed the crowd as the sound was getting louder. Once he was close enough he saw Bliss standing in the middle of town, singing a beautiful melody as the wind blew through her quills. Sonic was shocked.

"B-Bliss?" Bliss saw him and smiled.

"Hey Sonic."

"What are doing here? We were supposed to meet at my place."

"I'm just singing a song. Care to stay?"

"I'd love to but..." Bliss interrupted him by singing her melody song. Everyone around her loved it but she was mostly staring at Sonic. She grabbed his chin and made him look into her new blue eyes. Sonic kept listening to the song as the sound waves were flowing through him and everyone who was listening.

Shadow was watching from the distance, keeping a straight face. Bliss kept on singing as he stared at her blushing like crazy. Once she finished singing, she heard Tails voice.

"Sonic?" Bliss looked at Sonic and smiled.

"See you later Sonic." Bliss teleported making everyone upset that she had to leave. Sonic shook his head as Tails walked towards him.

"Sonic? Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Who was that singing?"

"It was beautiful angel."

"Ok? Well let's go. The others are worried about you."

"Alright." Sonic followed Tails back home. Bliss was next to Shadow watching.

"So you just made him fall in love with you? How is that a plan to destroy him?"

"This is only just the beginning. You'll see the real thing tomorrow night." Bliss said as she rubbed his shoulders. Shadow glared and pushed her hands away.

"Don't touch me." Shadow said as he walked away. Bliss giggled and followed him. The next day, Tails looked at his friends.

"Has anyone noticed that everyone in town is acting different?"

"What do you mean?" Amy asked. Tails opened the window and saw that everything was trashed and destroyed.

"Maybe it's opposite day where you throw your garbage outside." Knuckles said.

"Something is definitely wrong." Suddenly, they heard distant singing again. Sonic heard it and stood up. The others looked at him.

"You ok Sonic?" Amy asked.

"I'm fine. I'll be outside." Sonic said as he walked outside. The others follow him but saw that he disappeared.

"Where did he go?" Knuckles asked.

"Maybe he was abducted by aliens!" Sticks said. Suddenly, they were hit on the head knocking them out. His eyes flashed blue as he looked at them.

To be continued...

Here's a sneak peek for the next Chapter:

Amy: What are we gonna do?
Tails: Sonic?
Eggman: Destroy them!

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 4 Part 2. Have a great day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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