The Undead Run Over?

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   I move mason away from my bag and ask," ok does everyone have some food in their bags?"
"Yup", every one says.
"Ok great, are we ready to go then?"
They all nod yes so I pick up my bag and say, "let's go then." I put my bag on my shoulder and walk out to the car. The guys do the same and we put all of our bags in the back beside the cooler, we all getting with me driving and Zack in shotgun, and then Mason and Nagisa in the back. "Ok so we're going to the siren's place right?"
"Yup that's the place."
   "Ok," I started the car and pull out of the driveway, suddenly, a loud thud makes me stop the car. Zack and I get out to check out what I hit. When we get to the back of the car Zack said while he throws his arms up,"Oh shit, now we have to deal with zombies!" I hit a a zombie that for some reason looks very familier. "Hey ZacK I think that that's the guy that was drunk last night, you know the one that called us kids and all that crap."
"Oh yeah, man I thought we killed him."
   "I think you just did." Nagisa and Mason came out of the car and mason said" yo guys what's taking so long and what..." he stood talking and pointed. Zack, Nagisa and I all turn around to see a bunch of undead people and a few undead dogs too. I quickly grab my swords from the car and nagisa grabbed his knifes. Zack already had his Saif so mason and zach were all ready to kill some undead people and dogs. But the sad part is, we already killed them as humans, now we have to kill them as zombies too.

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