Chapter 19: Shark Tank

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11:45 AM

I woke up, me and Carrie were dangling to our doom.

I looked down. Two great white sharks in a massive tank. Me and Carrie were tied together, back to back. Our flip flops almost falling off. The room we were in had bright lights on all the walls. A metal catwalk lining the whole room and sliding doors leading to other rooms.

"Carrie. Carrie. Carrie, wake up." I said trying to wake her up.

"Whoah, where the heck are we?" Carrie said trying to move.

"Just don't look down." I said staring off into the distance where Larry and Jack were standing.

I could see their facial features better now. Jack was a tall man with a greying scruffy beard. He had one large scar on his forehead. Larry was a shorter man who had a large French mustache.

Right then, I saw Jack hit a large green button. The rope that was holding us jerked downward, we slowly started getting closer to the tank of sharks that was about 20 feet below us.

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