Chapter 1 - Memory Mystery

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Slowly, Emilia sat up, not knowing where she was. A familiar looking house stood behind her, but she couldn't place why she recognised it. Somehow, only just realising that she was sitting in the snow with bare arms and legs, she jolted to her feet, shivering slightly. Then, through the corner of her eye, she noticed someone else, lying unconscious in the snow. Due to her almost-white blonde hair, and her extremely light blue and silver dress, she almost blended into the snow completely. Emilia walked over to her, and managed to wake her up fairly quickly. As she opened her eyes, she seemed confused. She and Emilia looked at each other, and it felt.. familiar.

Emilia introduced herself, "Hello! My name is Emilia. What's yours?"
"Uh.. I'm Gidget," replied the seeming familiar person, standing up, "What happened to me?"
Emilia paused for a moment before she spoke, "Err.. well, I'm not sure. I think the same thing happened to me. After I woke up, I saw you."
Gidget sighed, "Well, thanks for waking me up. I just wish one of us knew what happened."
"We might not, but what if they do?" Smiled Emilia, pointing to two more people. One a teenage boy, and the other a man who looked as though he might be in his late thirties.
"Bob..?" Whispered Gidget, running over to them, Emilia following closely behind.

The two boys saw the girls, and recognised them instantly. Gidget knew one of them, but not the other. Emilia, however, didn't recognise either of them. The teenage boy tried to hug her, seeing as they'd actually been friends for years, but not knowing this, Emilia shoved him away.

"What the heck are you doing, you creep?!" She cried.
"Uh.. Em? It's me.. Jimmy? I've been your best friend for almost fourteen years? I hug you all the time and you enjoy it. Did you just.. change your mind?" Jimmy replied, half joking, half confused.
"What are you talking about?! Who the heck are you?!" Emilia Cried, panicking slightly.
"Please tell me you're kidding.." hoped Jimmy, in disbelief.
"Emm.. no? Why would I lie about knowing someone?" Replied Emilia, now extremely confused.
"I don't know!" Cried Jimmy, close to tears. He knelt down in the snow. Emilia patted him awkwardly on the shoulder, despite not knowing who he was.

To lighten the mood a little, Bob crouched down and made three snowballs, throwing one at each of the others. Gidget was first to retaliate, then Emilia, then Jimmy. They threw snowballs at each other to take their minds off of things for a while, but not for too long, as this was a bit of a problem. Okay, a big bit of a problem.

Bob suggested that they all went to his house. Upon hearing this suggestion, Emilia finally figured out why she recognised the house behind them all. Everyone agreed to go in, seeing as standing out in the snow, wearing non-winter clothes, wasn't doing anyone any good.

Inside the house was almost the exact opposite as outside; it was extremely warm for a start, and it smelled of cinnamon for some reason. The carpets were all dark grey, and the walls were a combination of various colours. The house only had six useful doors; the front door, the bathroom, the kitchen, the back door, and the two doors for the two-storey basement. All of the bedrooms were either on a separate floor, acting kind of like an indoor balcony, or they were separated by a wall or two. The living room was a similar situation.

"Welcome to my home!" Bob cried, only to Emilia though, because Jimmy remembered everything he'd already known, and Gidget lived in that house too, since she and Bob were married.
"Where are H, Carly, and KC?" Gidget asked, noticing only one of her children, sitting in her bedroom.
"Oh, they're all in their rooms like Pearl is," Bob smiled in return.
"Oh okay, good," sighed Gidget, unsure whether or not she was happy to hear this or not.

Emilia gazed at the extremely high ceiling in awe. It was almost as high as the one in her bedroom. Jimmy took her by the hand and attempted to lead her to the living room. Luckily, he succeeded, although it had been rather difficult to move her from her original location.

Once the four of them had arrived in the living room, Bob and Gidget went into the kitchen to make hot chocolate for everyone. While they did so, Jimmy and Emilia had some time to try to reacquaint themselves. It only took a few minutes for Emilia to remember. To make things even easier for her, she could see straight into H and Carly's bedrooms, and they were the other two teenagers in their friend group. A little while later, Bob and Gidget came back into the living room. Bob was carrying two mugs in each hand, and Gidget had a tray of sandwiches, digestives, and a small chocolate cake. Everyone had marshmallows in their hot chocolates but Emilia.

The next minute, H looked up from his phone, left his bed, got to his feet, and yelled, "Do I smell food?!"
Upon hearing this, Pearl came running in from her bedroom and cried, "Food? Who said food? I want food!"
Jimmy laughed and the two siblings.
"What's so funny?" They asked in unison.
"Nothin'," Jimmy replied.

H and Pearl joined the others in the living room, closely followed by Carly and KC. Gidget went back into the kitchen, and made four more hot chocolates for them.

The eight of them had a lot of fun just talking, and eating, without a single electronic in use. Gidget seemed satisfied (for once). Of course, there was still the problem of her not remembering anyone other than her family, but she had at least managed to befriend them.

It was getting late, and Jimmy and Emilia still hadn't gone home. Bob and Gidget offered to let them spend the night, so they each phoned their parents to ask their permission, even though they already knew the answer, because this house was more of a home than their own. Bob scavenged the house for blankets, while Gidget rearranged the living room into a suitable bedroom. The couches were shoved back against the walls, and the mattress-like cushions were placed on the floor to make two separate beds. Unfortunately, Jimmy was too tall to lie on either. Bob entered the room with piles of blankets, and dumped them onto the makeshift beds. Since there were so many, it was very difficult for both Jimmy and Emilia to get into their beds.

"Jimmy.." sighed Emilia, "I am so, so sorry that I forgot you completely. I feel just terrible! You're my best friend, and have been since I was three."
"It's alright. It wasn't your fault," Jimmy smiled.
Emilia felt sick as she began talking, "Ah.. but see.. I think it was. When me and Gidget went into the basement.. yesterday, I think. I'm not sure how long we were unconscious for. Anyway, we found this.. this thing, and it was glowing white. Really brightly, too. We tried to see what it was, but as I touched it, everything just.. kind of.. went blank! I'm so sorry!" She began to cry.
"Shh, shh. It's okay. You didn't know. To top it off, everyone's okay now! There's no need to worry!" Said Jimmy, comforting his best friend to the best of his abilities by talking and hugging her.

The next morning, while the family was eating breakfast, Jimmy and Emilia left. The snow had cleared up quite a bit, so Jimmy called his dad, and asked for him to pick them up.

As they left, H glanced up at his mum and asked, "Hey, I didn't say anything before because I didn't wanna be rude, but who the flip are they?"
Bob and Gidget looked at each other really quickly, panic stricken, and they knew that this wasn't over.

Author's Note

Yo, I finished! Cool. I actually did this as an English essay. So.. that was fun.


-KP x

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