Chapter 9 - The Best Birthday Present

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"Ahh, it's so nice to have everything back to normal with the added bonus of no Briar or Daring," Gidget smiled.
"Yeah," Bob replied, "I kinda feel old though because our son is nineteen now.."
"Dang, thought we weren't gonna bring that up," added H, "Birthdays are kinda boring, plus you feel old.."
"I thought you wanted to be older? You said you hated being treated like a kid," asked Rosalina.
H sighed, "Well, I haven't been treated like one since I turned sixteen so does it really matter anymore?"
"Fair enough," Rosalina laughed.

Everyone who was usually hanging around in the house was there - the people who lived there (duh), Bella, Granny Bloodgood, Mr. Donkey, Jimmy, Emilia, Tea Party, TicToc, and Rosalina.

They sat in silence for a bit until Carly suggested they play Truth or Dare, so they did.

"KC, truth or dare?" Carly grinned.
"Um.. truth," she smiled.
"Was there ever a time in your life when you didn't wanna come back, and you just wanted to stay in the basement with Torelei forever?"
KC hesitated before saying, "Yeah, I think there was. I got scared one day and went to Torelei for emotional support. I was worried that if I ever got out, you guys would be gone, or you'd be horrible people. That's why I considered staying down there. It actually wasn't so bad with her."
"Well, good thing they are good people!" Jimmy laughed.
"Haha, yeah," smiled KC, "Okay, uh.. Pearl, truth or dare?"
Pearl rolled her eyes, "Of course you asked me. Ugh, I guess I'll take a dare."
"Okay, umm.." KC thought, but then realised an obvious dare she could ask, "I dare you to be nice to me for the rest of the day. For my sake and literally everyone else's."
"..Can I switch to truth?" Asked Pearl.
"No!" Cried pretty much everyone.
Pearl sighed, "Fine. Alright, uh, H, truth or dare?"
"I know I don't normally do this, but I have a feeling I should pick truth. Don't know why, but I just do. It's really weird.." he replied, "Okay, go."
"Oh, okay," said Pearl, "Uh.. okay, I want you to reveal to everyone just how much you love Rosalina."
"Aww!" Carly smiled.
"Oh dear gosh, no," Emilia said to herself.

H took a deep breath and looked around the room. Then, to everyone's surprise, he got down on one knee. Emilia's heart sank, and Pearl and Gidget's jaws dropped.
His face went quite pink and he said, "Well.. uh.. I don't have a ring, but-"
"Oh my gosh, please don't be happening. Especially not right in front of me.." whispered Emilia.
"-Rosalina.. I love you. A lot. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you - not even Pearl, who's like, my second favourite person - so.. I just want to ask you this.. Rosalina.. will you marry me?"

Absolutely everyone in the rooms eyes were wide, mouths were gaping, and were completely lost for words. Rosalina's eyes filled up with tears, but she wasn't sad. In fact, she was over the moon.

A tear fell down her face as she replied, "H.. I.. I love you too! Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!"
She leapt forwards and gave him a huge hug. He hugged her back.
".......I.. that's not at all what I was expecting?!" Pearl cried, almost as if asking a question, "I can't believe you just proposed to her?? I.. I'm in shock, but I'm so flippin' happy for you guys, like, oh my gosh!"
Rosalina said, wiping a tear from her face, "Y'know, I actually do have a ring. It wasn't intended to be an engagement ring, but it looks like it could be. I could wear that?"
H smiled, "Yeah, sure! Do you have it with you?"
"Yeah, my grandma gave it to me when I was twelve so I always keep it with me in my coat pocket. I'll go get it," replied Rosalina, as she got up to get her jacket from the kitchen.
Everyone turned to face H.
"Guess I was right to choose truth," was all he said to them.
Bob smiled, looking as though he was about to cry, "My little baby boy is getting married!" He hugged his son very tightly.
"Daaad," H replied, trying to complain, but really, he was happy.
"H-o-bruvo, you'd better let me be apart of your wedding!" Carly begged, jokingly.
"Me too!" Pearl chimed in.
"Me three!" Said KC.
"Me four!" Jimmy added, laughing

Emilia stood up, said nothing, and went home. Jimmy ran after her.

Rosalina came back from the kitchen with the ring. It was silver and spirally with a small diamond in the centre of the two spiral ends. She put it on and sat down right beside H. She smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Hey," said Carly, "Has anyone else realised that H and Rosalina's relationship almost always develops through Truth or Dare?"
"This is the only time, Carly," Rosalina replied, laughing.
"No, your relationship started because me and Pearl dared H to get a girlfriend within three months or he'd have to walk Pearl to school everyday, and he took it."
"To be fair, I wasn't actively looking for a girlfriend, I just met Rosalina and was like, 'Oh, hey, this would be a great opportunity cause she's pretty cool and I kinda like her anyway'," added H.
"Either way.. I can't believe this is happening so soon! I mean, I always pictured us getting married some day, but I didn't realise it would be happening now!" Exclaimed Rosalina.
"We don't have to if you don't wanna.." replied H, hesitantly.
"No, no, I do, I promise, it was a nice surprise to us all I think. Except Emilia who I noticed left.." Rosalina said.
"I hope she's okay," Carly added.
"But still! You guys are getting married!" Cried Tea Party, hugging them both. Everyone else joined in. It was really sweet.
"This, without a doubt, has to be the best birthday ever," H smiled.

Author's Note

(And almost cried in the process).

I really love HR, like words can't express it, they're just so cute. I absolutely love writing about them. They're my favourite characters to write about, even more than Jimilia and that's saying something.

See you in the next book! No wait.. Information - Part 10. I still don't know why I do those, I guess because I have since book one and if I stopped, it'd really bug me 😂

-KP x

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