Damon Salvatore-Love Always Lasts

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Love always lasts
Damon Salvatore was the love of my life. He was charming, gentle and kind. His loyalty was unrealistic, or so I had thought. It all started when Katherine had came into our lives during 1864. Both me and Damon were engaged to each other through an arranged marriage which eventually blossomed into a love. Katherine ruined it completely. She has compelled Damon to stay away from me till we grew distant then forced him to break off the marriage. I was heartbroken at the time and decided to take a walk through the woods to clear my head when Katherine attacked me. As a sick joke she turned me into a vampire which caused me to flee in fear I would attack someone I loved.
Now in present mystic falls, I had decided to return to see the difference that had occurred over the years. Possibly visit the Salvatore crypt. I missed both the brothers dearly, especially Damon, now that I had an understanding of what Katherine did to them to make them adore her so dearly.
I smiled lightly as I recognised some places like the town square. Walking into the grill, I sat at the bar and ordered a Malibu and coke. Why not drink? Won't effect me in any way. A cute bartender brought me my drink.
"Hey you're new in town aren't you? I haven't seen you here before." The blonde asked.
"Yeah I grew up here but moved a while back" wasn't necessarily a lie.
"Oh? Well I'm Matt. Welcome back to town" he smiled lightly.
"Everlyn... thank you" I mumbled while taking a sip of my drink.
He smiled at me and walked away serving someone else. I smiled at the good manners slightly. A big improvement from the way women were treated here in 1864 by men.
I heard the door open at the front of the grill and turned slightly to look. It felt like my eyes were tricking me. There walking in was Stefan Salvatore, my former brother in law to be. I stood up slightly, still in shock over whether this was real or not.
"Stefan?" I questioned quietly.
He immediately spun around, a similar expression painted across his face that I had.
"Everlyn?" He questioned quietly.
Without even realising it Stefan had lifted me up and hugged me.
"I would ask how you're alive but I can imagine the answer" he mumbled into my hair.
I chuckled lightly at his remark and pulled away.
"Have time to sit down and catch up? I reckon we need it" I said with a grin.
He nodded at me happily and grabbed my arm to sit down at a table.
-Time skip-
After we had both caught up with each other, Stefan invited me back to the boarding house after warning me about his girlfriend Elena who was a doppelgänger to Katherine. Even if it wasn't her they both still had him wrapped around their fingers, even though he didn't know it.
As we pulled up he turned to me.
"Listen I didn't tell you earlier but Damon's here" he mumbled quietly.
I looked at him with a slight glare on my face.
"Didn't think to mention that little bit of information?" I asked with sarcasm.
Getting out of the car along with Stefan, I still sent a glare his way. I glanced at the boarding house and smiled. Very nostalgic.
"Anything else you want to tell me?" I questioned quietly.
He just shook his head meekly but had a small smirk still playing on his lips. In his mind, he knew this is what Damon needed. A former love who he would've given up the world for, if not for the 'vampire slut'. He had been building up his emotions and needed someone to vent to and he obviously didn't want to seem weak in front of his little brother, who clearly had a stronger love life than he did.
Stefan walked up to the front door as I followed behind him. Opening the door, Stefan beckoned me inside.
"Damon!" He yelled gruffly.
I heard the annoyed hum and some stumbling upstairs as he moved. I tried to hold in my laugh as I imagined the sight.
"What the hell do you-" his sentence was cut short as he looked at me. I waved my hand slightly as I smiled sweetly.
"Hey Damon" I mumbled softly.
Stefan was already long gone out the front door, I'd imagine to Elena's house.
He rushed down in front of me and stared into my eyes. I couldn't help but want to kiss the lips I'd missed oh so dearly. Two hours ago I had thought that the love of my life was long dead. I'd never get to see his face again but here he was in front of me.
"Is this real?" He questioned more to himself than to me.
I just briefly nodded as his hand reached up and cupped my face. I couldn't help but noticed the small tears in his eyes.

 I couldn't help but noticed the small tears in his eyes

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He had changed since 1864. His hair wasn't as curly and I had already noticed his attitude had changed a lot by the way he spoke to his brother on the stairs. I sighed happily and moved forwards into a hug. He immediately hugged back, bringing me as close as possibly with his head in my hair.
"Oh god I thought you were dead" he mumbled into my neck.

"I thought the same about you" you chuckled back lightly

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"I thought the same about you" you chuckled back lightly.
I could only imagine the small smile tugging on his lips. I inhale sharply as, if it was possible, he pulled me closer. His smell was always the same. So comforting and welcoming.
"I'm so sorry" he muttered softly.
I immediately shushed him. I never once blamed him on how Katherine had forced both the brothers to act. Pulling away, I smiled softly as tears rimmed my eyes. I cupped both of his cheeks and smiled. He immediately pulled me closer till our lips met each other's. It felt the same as it did back then. We both pulled away and rested our foreheads together. The whole scene made me laugh and smile lightly as he just smiled adoringly.
"That laugh is something I've dreamed of hearing for so long" he mumbled as his hands rested on the back of my neck.
"And I've dreamed of staring into those beautiful ocean blue eyes for so long" I couldn't help but let tears roll down my face.
Damon let out a small chuckle. He pulled me down to the couch so we were facing each other and held my hands.
"Did Katherine kill you?" He asked sympathetically.
I just nodded at his question.
"It was after... you broke it off. I went to clear my head in the woods and for some sick reason she turned me. I feld so I wouldn't hurt anyone and I would've tried to stop Katherine but she's older..." my voice trailed off towards the end.
As I was in transition i realised rationally that Katherine would have the upper hand against me.
"I'm so sorry... but I think we should pick up where we left off in 1864" he smiled.
Word count:1209

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