Stefan Salvatore-Dead or Alive

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(A/N): Elena is human in this 

Stefan's POV
I couldn't believe that Katherine had done this. I knew she was jealous but, oh who am i kidding? She'd obviously try to kill (Y/N). Katherine had drained her until the almost last drop. Luckily we smelt the blood before she was too far gone. Katherine fled before she could finish although she probably thought the blood loss would kill her anyway. i asked damon to feed her blood incase she didn't make it. i wouldn't want my girlfriend sired to me.
"She'll be ok you know? But she did get extremely lucky we were there" I heard Damon say as he sat on the bed next to (Y/N).
"I know. Extremely lucky" I mumbled back.
"Maybe ask Elena if you can borrow her cabin? Get out of town while Katherine's lurking around with a thirst for (Y/N)'s blood. We don't need another night like tonight. Gave us both a scare" Damon said.
"What's with you giving brotherly advice? Elena making you soft?" I teased.
Damon laughed slightly.
"You're the one always telling me to show more emotion and now i am, you be sarcastic" Damon exclaimed.
(Y/N)'s POV
I could hear voices talking around me, two male voices. Was i dead? Probably. My eyes fluttered open as i noticed i was in Stefan's room. The two voices were Stefan and Damon. Stefan on a chair and Damon by my torso on the bed.
"Could you two be any louder?" I groaned as i sat up.
"Sleeping beauty is awake!" Damon teased.
I smiled slightly as Stefan grabbed my left hand and held it.

"What even happened...?" I questioned.
My neck felt slightly achy but i didn't remember. My memory was slightly foggy.
"Katherine attacked you but left as we got there. You were really lucky" Stefan told me.
The memories were coming back slightly. The fear of almost dying. I thought i'd never see Stefan again. Be in this bed again.
"Your knights in shining armour" Damon joked again.
"If you've got these fantasies of sleeping beauty and prince charming, ask Elena" I told him.

Damon laughed as we talked for a few more minutes before he left the room to give us some privacy. Stefan moved onto the bed next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"I thought i'd lose you today" Stefan mumbled into my ear.
"Me? Never. You know i'm not going to go out that easy" I sarcastically remarked. 
Stefan chuckled lightly at my comment. 

I did feel uneasy knowing Katherine was still in Mystic Falls. Knowing she could easily overpower both Stefan and Damon at the same time scared the life out of me. She could walk through that door and drain me dry without either of the brothers being able to stop her. I could feel the uneasy feeling in my stomach, settling without stopping. 
"I know how scared you are. You don't need to hide it" Stefan told me out of the blue.
I looked over at him before tucking my head into his side. I could feel tears spring to my eyes, unable to stop. 
"I'm aware Stef" I stuttered out weakly. 

Stefan brought his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap with a firm but gentle grip. I wrapped my arms around his waist and put on head against his chest. I felt his hand stroke my hair, knowing it would calm me down.
"It's ok to be scared of her. I didn't want to say this with what's just happened but..," Stefan took a pause with a deep breath, "she can scare me as well. knowing that she could hurt, even kill, you and i couldn't do a thing about it" He finished off. 

Moving my head off of Stefan's chest, i looked up at him. His eyes looked sad and scared for me. 
"There's no amount of words that can express how much i'm thankful you were there. I would've surely died. And sure Katherine's this big bad, older vampire but i'm not dead yet" I said, mustering up a smile.
"Always looking on the bright side" He said with a smile. 
"But what i don't understand is why she ran" I asked while leaning my forehead against Stefan's.

"I have the answer to that" A voice said. 
I twisted in Stefan's lap to face the door where it held Damon leaning against the door frame and Elena behind him. 
"Actually i do" Elena said while glaring up at her boyfriend. 
I swiftly moved off of Stefan's lap and onto the bed next to him while Elena came over and gave me a quick hug. 
"Are you ok now?" She questioned. 
I hummed in acknowledgement as she sat at the edge of the bed. 

"So why did she run? Apart from the fact its practically the only thing she can do" Stefan seethed. 
"Well i was at the grill with Caroline while Matt was working. This man started talking to Matt, like they knew each other. Caroline listened in and they were talking about vampires and hunting them. Matt seemed to agree and help with the idea" Elena explained. 
"So what does that have to do with Katherine?" Stefan asked. 
"Well little brother, if you'd let me explain. Did you not notice the other heartbeat near us?" Damon questioned. 
"Not exactly. I didn't know if you noticed but my girlfriend was dying on the floor" Stefan remarked back.
I watched them talk silently, not exactly have something to say. 

"Well i got a glimpse of the guy. Pocahontas had a crossbow aimed at the vampire slut. That's why she ran. Self preservation and all" Damon carried on explaining. 
So if it wasn't for the hunter, i would be dead. Go figures. I noticed that Stefan seemed tense. Not only the fact that a hunter was in town but Matt was helping as well. 
"Just what we need. More problems" I mumbled. 

Elena rubbed my arm with a soft smile. She was with Damon so Katherine most likely wouldn't bother her. 
"So maybe a plan can be formed to stop vampire extinction in Mystic Falls?" Damon asked rhetorically. 
"Maybe tomorrow? I think today has been enough for everyone" I told Damon. 
He sighed slightly before picking Elena up and throwing her over his shoulder. She yelled his name with laughs as he walked out and shut the door. I shook my head with a smile at their behaviour. It was cute. 

I glanced at Stefan since he hadn't said anything for the past few minutes. He seemed to be thinking as his jaw was tense and his whole structure was tense. 
"I suppose it's my turn to tell you its ok to be scared" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
He seemed to snap out of his gaze as he looked at me. Stefan suddenly connected our lips in a passionate and loving kiss. When we pulled away, i stared at him with a smile but confused as well. 
"I just need a reminder that i've got you. My everything. I was so scared that i'd lost you tonight but now with the hunter around...i just don't want him to get you" Stefan carried on as i turned his face towards me. 
"You're not going to lose me and that hunter won't get to me" I reassured him. 
Stefan smiled as he pulled me back into his lap. I cupped the side of his face as i rested his forehead against mine. 
"Promise?" He questioned 

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