Secret 01

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Everyone has their secrets, tame or wild. They exist.
I have many accumulated over the years, some shared, some still weighing down on me.
I'll admit.
There's this one secret, more of a fear I suppose...

A fear with me since my early years.
Since I knew how to fear.

I am so scared and Im sure it's similar to other people's fears
Also so, entirely different because fears are subjective to the beholder.

My fear certainly is.
I'm terrified.

That you'll only think you love me.
And when I show you what's beneath my facade, beneath the upkeep.
When I show you my true skin metaphorically and literally...

I will scare you off.

I'm scared I'll be interpreted as a monster. For being different, something you haven't seen or been accustomed to.

Maybe that's why we haven't met yet...

Because I'm too scared to let anyone see the odd work I am, hidden for as long as I could. 
Never letting even the slightest of suggestions direct to it.
Too scared of the assumed answer you will give me.

Too afraid unconditional love is all but locatable for a creature like me.

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