Chapter 1

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Anastasia knew her life hadn't started out the best. At the age of two she was taken away from her parents in a country she could not remember by pirates to be sold as a slave. Her first master had a craving for alcohol and she luckily was too small and irrelevant to be subject to his abuse. Her second master wasn't so kind, Lord Cumberland, he was the nobleman of a rich household so he felt there were no consequences to his actions with her. At age 13 he began making advances towards her which were rejected and to hurt a man's pride was almost as bad as inflicting the pain on yourself.

After a year of abuse, both Lord Cumberland and Ana were brought onto a boat leaving France and arriving in Sweden. She knew what her fate was when she was escorted off the boat and presented to the King of Sweden.

"She is 15 of age and from the China's, have you ever seen something so exotic?" Lord Cumberland boasted. "A gift for you, from His Majesty, Louis of Bourbon."

She was an offering to the king. An exotic centerpiece to be displayed and gawked at in the palace. Like a clown in a circus they would be in awe of her appearance but in disgust at her social ranking. A slave is a slave no matter her appearance.

However, despite her unfortunate upbringing, Anastasia had something no one could take away from her which was her wit. Her clever words often got her in sticky situations which involved her getting punished but one place it did land her was in the Prince's arms. She can remember every detail in her head like it just happened. Her punishment was to clean the library overnight, at around 3 am he walked in and saw her. Sprawled across a table of books asleep he woke her up by tickling a feather pen on her nose. When she woke up his lips was inches away from hers. There was an immediate attraction and her clever teases didn't help him from wanting her even more. Bill was his name, she didn't know at the time but he was to be the King of Sweden someday. For the first couple of months he would come see her in secret, snuck into her chambers to sneak whispers and kisses but nothing else. Then came the first night of intimacy which was when he told her. He told her who he was and what he'll eventually become. He told her he loved her and despite the surprise she told him she loved him too.

After that night, there were no more sneaky middle of the night visits, he moved her from the slaves chambers into her own apartments closer to his. He would kiss her hand in front of the other ladies. Soon it became apparent that while they did not make the relationship official everyone knew she was his mistress. And she liked it that way. She enjoyed the power and dominion she had over the other girls. How they would rush to her in the parlor and gossip about how a slave girl came to become the prince's mistress.

Things only seemed to get better for her, for her years of service in the palace and recommendations by the prince, she was promoted to one of the Queen's ladies in waiting. Which came with a title for the young foreign girl. Countess of Rothes, Lady Anastasia. Now at age 18 and Bill at 19, she grew to hope more and more on his promise of marriage to her. While Ana was witty and clever, she did lack the sophistication necessary to survive palace politics. She often offended the other ladies by acting wildly not worried about consequences since she had the prince in around her fingers.

"Billlll." She whined while naked wrapped up in the sheets of his bed.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Ugh, don't 'my lady' me." She groaned.

He laughed then kissed her on the forehead.

"Princess?" She smiled and nodded. "What is it then my princess?"

"No shows me any form of respect here."

"I've given you everything you could need, Ana, what more do you want?"

"Nothing from you. Everyone thinks I'm some whore who've just seduced you. I can hear them whispering in the dining room when you bring me. They think it's so inappropriate that you even bring me to dinner." she complained.

"Some people can't help but be conservative, Ana, plus you've gotten a title no one is allowed to formally offend you."

"But they still un-formally offend me!"

"Well tell me then, should I punish them?" He kissed her neck. "Or should I punish you, naughty girl?"

She smirked as he continued to kiss her neck then down to her breast.

"I think you already know the answer to that." She whispered as she pushed his head lower in between her legs. 

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