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The only thing I could do.


Heart racing.


What if he was lying?

“Look. I don’t have time for any more tricks. I’m having difficult time believing you.” I skeptically said. Hopefully my nervousness was hidden by my semi-poised attitude.

The president rolled his eyes, as did his son and he said, “I know that you’re much richer than me and with your so-called smartness, you probably made a device that could tell if someone was lying or not.”

I actually did do that and made a few machines, but he didn’t need to know that. I carefully responded with, “Yeah, I have a machine.” Or two. Or more.

“So use them and check.” He responded simply.

In all honesty, I had one attached to my android, but didn’t think of it in my surprise over the whole “trick” the president and his son played.

In my mind, I connected with my android. That’s when it could read my thoughts. Immediately, I heard a ping in my brain.

The information of the android seeped into my brain. It was confirmed. He wasn’t lying. Shit. Usually I never curse, but this was a major exception.

My emotions must have been easily shown on my face because the president smugly said, “What happened Infiniti? Droid got you’re tongue?”

You must be wondering what that phrase means. Well, new world, new phrases. That’s all.

Anyway, there were several thoughts running through my mind.

Ever since I came to Zaminga, I was the predicted smartest. And now there was another? I don’t mean to be selfish, but try imagining yourself as me.

You were supposed to be the smartest person in your world. You knew this for a long time. No other person was even going to be considered. But then, someone destroys this little delusional bubble you have created and then what happens? This is just so –

“Ahem.” Someone tried, attempting to get everyone’s attention.

I turned around to see all of my managers and some of my family listening to the conversation. Wow, my senses are REALLY off if I didn’t hear them come in.

“Mr. President of Anatoga,” the same person began. “It has come –”

The president held up a hand to stop the person from speaking. He chuckled; a deep rumble that ran shivers down my spine combined with his sinister icy blue eyes.

“Oh, I was waiting for this moment. I have even more bad news.” The president announced. His gaze traveled to me, as if wanting a reaction. Well, I wasn’t about to give him any. I kept my eyes, calm and didn’t let them give anything away. When he didn’t get response, he continued. “Riverside is the school for the smartest kids, right?”

When we didn’t we answer, he repeated himself, “Right?”

My head manager nodded. The president smirked and said, “Well…” Then, pausing for dramatic effect. My blood started boiling. What the hell was wrong with this man? He should SERIOUSLY join drama because that’s all he was good at.

A familiar hand patted my shoulder comfortingly. I turned to see Trin. We communicated telepathically.

‘Calm down, Infiniti’

‘But that stupid, damn president is just annoying me!’

Trin gaped, knowing that I never swore. She covered it up as a cough and telepathically told me to just listen to the president. I felt her presence disappear from my brain.

The president spoke again, smirking. “There’s a rivaling school, with kids just as smart as Riverside’s.”


I know, I'm sorry! This chapter was really bad. Like really bad. Just a filler, but idk. Let me know what you think... How about the cast? And a new cover? Any ideas? No, okay. Aditi stop talking to yourself. Well, whatever. Hope you liked the super short chappie, I thought it was okay. Just okay. Well, don't forget to vote, comment, and fan! Love you all!


Infiniti Aditi ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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