》Chapter 5《

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"And there's that face again! What on earth goes on inside that head of yours?" She asks whilst we step along the concrete towards the college building.

Giving her the 'i will fucking murder you if you ask again' look. Her eyes suddenly bleam with contradicting concern. As if her morning coffee finally started waking up her dead brain cells... very unnecessary for this point in time.

"You still haven't told me the full story yet. You know you can tell me anything right?" She says with desperate hope in her voice knowing full well that I'm not crumbling down the forbidden wall any more than I already have.

Walking up the stairs and into the corridor, I say "Kristina." looking dead straight into her eyes with brutal honesty. "My thoughts and life are like a sinkhole. The more you know and find out... The deeper you'll sink and suffocate. So trust me on this. I'm protecting you from the truth so don't fucking ask again, got it?" I say with frustration seeping through my voice. The temptation to shout almost grabbed my vocal chords. My deep, sacred glare made Kristina's eyes quiver and lock. Students rushed around us quickly.

"Ok. Geeze Louise, calm your horses." She says jokingly as if 15mins ago, she didn't threaten to slam my head in.

She does this every time she knows she knocked on the wrong door. Jokes around as if she didn't say anything serious in the first place. Looking at her again but with the 'I'm serious, don't fuck around' look, I turn around and resumed walking with Kristina not far behind. The walls surrounding us were ice cold white and the lockers clawed onto them, portrayed a greying black as if they were human and grew into ageing decay. The ceiling stood high and mighty with lights hanging with grace. Windows and doors from classrooms screamed with natural light, glorifying anyone who walks through it. The corridors were wide with a gleam. Students laughed and stressed, trying to balance their school work and social life - most failing miserably.

Strolling across the wooden floorboards, I go straight where my locker is. Straight and the first turn on the left, 23rd one down. However, when I turned the corner, I saw the motherfucking assholes leaning against my locker like fucking dickheads. You would suspect that everyone would just grow up when they go to college, especially after the 1st year, but these two clearly haven't. They still think this is secondary, where it's cool to get into fights and argue with the teachers. They act as if they own the school. Zachery Henderson and Luc Stephenson. Formally know as deep shits and they are leaning. On. My. Fucking. Locker. I've already had a blissful morning and they had to make it even better. Fucking plonkers.

"Ok, before you get in a pissy, please think of the decision you're about to make, " Kristina says with clear knowledge of what I'm about to do.

I say nothing, I just stare at the both of them. At how dangerous they look. Both are strong, tall and muscular, girls would fall for them, drool at them but for me... their strength makes me uncomfortable and terrified of what they are capable of doing. That if they use that strength for the wrong reasons, they could do a whole load of deadly damage. Both physically and mentally.

"I know you want this," says Williams voice, silently creeping inside my head and yet again I'm faced with his disgusting touch against my skin... with his hands grabbing my wrists with painful pressure causing bruises. The cold attacking my skin with-

"hey, Erina... are you ok?" Kristina interrupts my train of thought thankfully.

Shaking my head, I look at Kristina whos face is etched with concern. I shake my head again, cursing at myself for letting my emotions go in front of someone, she must have seen how scared I looked. Looking at them again, Zachery had dark as a raven's back hair and bright, deepened electric eyes. His pale body lean and dangerous, like at any moment he could snap someone's head clean in half. Luc however, is quite the opposite. His hair a glowy sunlight and his eyes, caramel apple brown. His eyes always seemed interesting. He's an inch shorter than Zachery but still rather tall, whilst Zachary is 6ft 4, Luc scores 6ft 3. He's tan skin is unusual due to the British weather.

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