(edited)Chapter 10

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Once we to the traveler hub, we talked to the Punster Cleric: Fat Albert

"Oh, the horror of it all! We've got to do something, and quick! The Abominable Snowman is on a rampage in the Powdered Peak... And everyone's in danger! I want to do something to help them... But I don't think I can do anything by myself... Would you help me?" He asked me as I nod

"Really? Oh, thank you! All right, then let's head out right away!" He said as we got on Dominic and headed to Powdered Peaks.

We entered the Ghontu Waste

"Look, Asriel! It's completely white!" I said as I look around

"The snow's so fluffy!" I said again

"Yeah, so light and soft!" He said

"It's like a dream!" I said

"It's great!" He said before we continue our journey.

We had to face Ice maidens, Snowman, Clever Imp and Pengy and etc. But Alphys also got sick so we had to wait for her to get better while me, Asriel, Papyrus and Frisk we're continuing our quest with Fat Albert. But after awhile we found the Abominable Snowman

"That's him! The Abominable Snowman!" Fat Albert said to me

"The Abnom... Abdominal... The Abmominal... Forget it!" I yelled as I gave up on trying to say the name before we engaged it in a fight

"It's actually a Yeti, Sans" Nova said, After I got turned into Ice we defeated the Yeti

"Whew! That was a close one. The poor Abominable Snowman... It must have been artificially created by the Darker Lord, Ben is a wicked one indeed. Now then... Here's your reward. Go on. You earned it." Fat Albert said as he gave us three Golem Steaks

"I'll take my leave here, thanks." He said before leaving.

We head back to the Travelers's hub to talk to Kung Fu Chef: Bowser Jr

"Hey there, bud! You ever heard of 'hamburgers'? They say they're eaten in a mysterious land... And that they have a taste never experienced before. As a chef, I have to try one at least once. So, yeah... I want to visit this mysterious land... But I'm a bit scared to. Be a pal and take me there, eh?" He asked as I nod

"All right! Let's go! Let's go!" He said as we got on Dominic and headed to Peculia. Once we got there started exploring

"Look, look, Sans!The sky's a strange color!" Papyrus said

"Well, they do call this land Peculia, after all" I said as my mom told me about this place a lot when I was a child

"The fruit on the trees looks like candy!" He said

"So they do! Let's lick them!" I said

"The sap must harden into sweets! Wow! Peculia really is wonderful." Papyrus said before we continue walking through Peculia.

After a day or two Alphys got better under the care of Undyne, we continue our journey but then Asriel got sick so we continue our Journey with Undyne in our team until Asriel get better. After a while of traveling Asriel got better from his sickness, but I don't why my friends are getting sick again but I hope no one else gets sick too... Okay I need to stop jinxing myself because Undyne sick too then Galaxia got sick too... Why was my friends getting sick now?

*a little time skip*

After our journey we asked Bowser Jr if he knows anything about Darker Lord Ben, But he told us he didn't so we return back to the Travelers' Hub to talk to a Mage named Lil Gideon. He told us he has a friend who knows something about the Darker Lord in a place that was in the sky named Nimbus. We had to face robot monsters and Lizardman on our search for Homer. We kept traveling but I had Galaxia, Alphys and Gmg in my team because Undyne got sick so we had to leave her

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