(edited)Chapter 11

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We walk towards the doors

"Well, we've got all four jewels. Looks like this is it! Just pop the jewels into the holes, and..."I said as I put the jewels in

"YUSSSS!" I yelled

"Right, gang! In we go!" I said as we entered the Sky Scraper. Once we walked for awhile we heard laughing

"Mwaaa ha ha haaa!" Darker Lord Ben laughed as I look at the others

"That voice! It's Darker Lord Ben!" I said to the others

"Well, well. It's been a while. How kind of you to pay me a visit. And since you're come all this way... Allow me to test how strong you really are! Ah, yes. I think you'd like to know... I've summoned an old friend or two to this tower. I do hope you're looking forward to a joyful reunion! Mwaaa ha ha haaa!" He said before leaving

"He's... Gone. Come on, Let's go." I said to the others before we continue walking after awhile of walking we found a person without a face

"Do I know that person...?" I said

"!" He tried to say

"Is anything the matter?" I asked but then a Phantom of Evil appeared and face appeared

"Aaah! Help!" He said before it fused with it

"Don't worry we'll save you!" I said before we engaged it in a fight. After a tough fight we defeated it and saved ???'s face

"Thank you." He said before returning to his body

"It's back!" He said, The Ex-Dark Lord: Chara

"Argh... That was terrible... I don't suppose you remember me, do you?" He asked as I finally remembered who he is

"The... Dark Lord?" I asked

"Exactly! Except I'm just a regular human now. After you defeated the Dark Lord, I was released. From the Dark Curse, I mean. The Dark Lord did so many terrible things, but... I never wanted any of this. I really want you to believe that!" Chara said as I nod

"By the way... You're gonna be fighting this new Darker Lord, right?" He asked

"You bet." I said

"I... I want to make up for the trouble I caused as the Dark Lord. Will you let me come with you?" He asked as I nod

"Thank you! I won't let you down!" He said

"Let's do it!" I said as Nova smiled

*Ex-Dark Lord Chara joined your party!

We continue walking. After awhile of walking we headed noises

"What?" I said as we looked up only to see rocks coming down

"Eeeeek!" I said as we were separated.I was on the other side with Papyrus and Chara

"Where did everyone go...? Well, nothing for it but to keep going." I said to Papyrus and Chara as we returned to the Inn to see Alphys, Gmg and Galaxia left.

We left the Inn with Galaxia and Gmg as we continue our way to the top of the Sky Scraper

"I still can't believe it." Chara said

"What?" I asked him

"That I was the Dark Lord. And... I made so many people suffer." He said with a sad look

"I thought maybe you wouldn't remember." I said shocked

"Oh no, I remember everything. But I had no control over my own body. All I could do was watch the Dark Lord's evil doings." He said

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