Chapter 1

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"Kaydence, follow me this way to the bus, please. Feel free to drop your suitcases in that pile over there, and get anything you'll want or need for the bus out of them... You won't be able to access them until we get to the hotel." A man, Jimmy I think he said his name was, says to me as we walk closer to a group of men clad in jeans, short shorts, and muscle tees all standing by a bus.

"Now don't be too intimidated. You are the first female roadie to ever grace a tour, but you look and seem like you're up for the challenge." The man continues as we approach the group.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what he means. I'm not exactly small in stature... Standing at 5'7", being a bit wider than the average girl, and being semi muscular definitely made me look the part for jobs that required tougher applicants, which is bittersweet to me. I am incredibly self-conscious about my looks, but I hide it as best as I can as to not seem attention seeking to others. I smile and nod at Jimmy to show him I 'agree', even though I may not want to.

The closer Jimmy and I walk towards the group, the more eyes look to me, and the voice level becomes lower as they start to mumble amongst themselves.

"BOYS! I would like you all to meet our new Roadie Kaydence! She's here to help on this upcoming tour, our first ever Female Roadie, so keep it in your pants." The boys chuckle at this and I turn bright red as I stand beside Jimmy. All their eyes are on me, and I become acutely aware of myself. Boy, do my boots look interesting. Is my hair frizzy? Is my mascara smeared? Does my Outfit even MATCH?

My thoughts are interrupted.

"RATTY!" Jimmy yells out.

"Yeah, Jim?" A tall, lanky man steps out of the crowd. Couldn't have been more than 25 years old. He had long black hair and couldn't have weighed more than 150 pounds.

"Kaydence is to shadow you. I want you to teach her what your jobs. Also, have her learn some of the other boys' jobs too. But take good care of her, in a way, she's under your care now." Jimmy converses with Ratty, Ratty taking a good look at me as I stand beside them.

"Will do Jim."

"Alright, Kaydence. He's in charge of ya now. Good luck." Jimmy says walking backward, leaving me and Ratty to ourselves.

"A female Roadie... Never thought I'd be around to see one. I'm Peter, but everyone here calls me Ratty as you already know." Ratty says, extending his hand out in a manner of a handshake. I reach out and connect our hands.

"Kaydence, if it wasn't already obvious." I say as confidently as I can with a small smirk, but internally I was terrified.

"Fiesty, You'll fit right in here. Don't let these men intimidate you. They're all pretty nice guys once you get to know 'em. Just don't ever go behind their backs or cross them, yeah?" Ratty says dropping the handshake.

I give a nod of approval. Ratty looks behind me as I hear a car approach.

"Ah, looks like someone's here to pay us a visit." Ratty says, nodding in the direction of the new car. I turn around to look and notice that for the second time that night, the boys have again quieted down into murmurs.

The car door opens, and Freddie Mercury himself steps out. My heart picks up.

Now, no one, I mean NO ONE here can know that I am a huge fan of Queen. They won't take me seriously, think I'm just here to meet the band and steal stuff from them.  To me now, It's just an added bonus. I needed a way out of the house, a way to get paid while traveling in order to save up for college, but I wanted something interesting, a job that will keep me on my toes. Once I saw the poster in that little coffee shop, I knew I had to apply. It met all my criteria, and  it was with Queen.  But, I never expected to actually meet them in person, I always thought that only more experienced roadies got that privilege. I expected the dirty work, the 'give the new roadie that job, they don't know any better' work.

"Hello, Boys! I'm here to wish us all some good fucking luck on this tour!"  Freddie yells out, scanning the crowd.

A big cheer erupted from the boys and a smile appeared on my face. Even with just roadies, Freddie could get them to interact a bit.

"The Pizza Oven lights are back again this tour as well as-" Freddie stops as he spots me in the crowd.

"A female roadie?," He says, half to himself, "No one fucking told me we have a female roadie."

"Dear, what's your name?" He says walking closer to me. The boys deathly silent.

"Kaydence," I say, looking right back at him. I was shaking, here's one of my idols, talking to me, but also, here comes me losing this job for being female.

"And you willingly signed up to be a roadie Kaydence?" Freddie says, intrigued, as he stops in front of me.

"Of Course. It was advertised as 'Drinks, Traveling the world, and helping to put on a good ass show', Of course, I'd want to fucking join that." I say back, heart racing, but I pull it off confidently. The boys chuckle at my response.

"OOOh, I like her!" Freddie beams out to the boys, "Well, good luck then Kaydence, and Good luck to the rest of you Fuckers! Cheers!" Freddie yells hopping back into the car and leaving.

The Boys yell and slowly start to pile on the bus.

"I think you'll fit in just fine here," Ratty says to me with a small smile, "Come on, let's get on the bus before all the bottom bunks are taken."

Ratty and I both joining the small groups trying to make their way onto the bus.

I smile to myself, this should be interesting.


WOW, I haven't written Fanfiction in what feels like ages, so I'm sorry if this terrible! It's bound to improve as I write more!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Leave me suggestions! I was constructive feedback!

and if you read this far, Thank you! I appreciate the support!

Next chapter will be sometime soon, I'll try to come up with a writing schedule soon!

Goodnight Lovies!

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