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There is a quiet town in Michigan called royal woods. The time was 12 o'clock in the morning. On 1216 Franklin Avenue there was a specific house. In the daytime it was was noisy and insane.But at night it was quite as if it been abandoned for 40 years. In this home lived Rita and Lynn loud sr and there 11 children each with their own talents. The couple had 10 girls and 1 boy, his name was Lincoln. Lincoln loud was different from his other siblings. Not only being only boy in the house but his hair was neither brown or blonde like either of his parents. For the past 10 weeks He been having the same recurring dream. You see it involved him being abducted by what appeared to be aliens. Lincoln was now 15 years old. He  long outgrew the fear of monster from underneath the bed not to mention the boogie man in his closet.The teen boy had nightmares before, but this dream felt extremely real to him. Lincoln was soundly asleep in his bed.  His room was small unlike his sisters. Just then The bedroom window slowly began to be illuminated by a white  bright light. The light shined upon his face causing him to wake up. Lincoln quickly sat up to be blinded by the mysterious light.

Lincoln:oh no not again.

He whispered getting out of bed. Lincoln felt the floor shake. The 15 year old looked at his dresser to see the stuff that was on it fall to the floor.  Lincoln's heart began to race as the light from the window glowed brighter. Then a few moments later the white light vanished along with The teen. We are next shown the loud boy strapped to a metal table naked and unconscious . He was in what appeared to be a large room. The wall were metallic and the floors were metallic. A door opens up on the other side of the room. What entered was what appeared to be famously known to be grey aliens. These beings stood about 2 to 4 feet. They didn't wear clothes,the aliens appeared to have no sex organ either. Their eyes weren't as huge as people have reported. Their eyes were the size of a normal human. And like all reports surrounding the greys, their eyes were pitch black.  One of the aliens walked over to the restrained Lincoln loud. The extraterrestrial opened its mouth. It's teeth were yellow and also crooked. It began to drool over a unconscious teenager. It took its  fingernail and made a deep cut into Lincoln's arm. The being placed a what looked be a small blue marble inside the wound. The alien placed its hand on the freshly cut wound for about 30 seconds. It's next took its hand off his arm revealing it was fully healed as if it hasn't been cut. Around 3:45 In the morning Lincoln appeared back in his bed asleep.  Later that morning around 8:45 the white haired boy open his eyes to find he was back in his bedroom. Lincoln sat up quickly examining his surroundings of his room. He found that the things that fell off his dresser were back where they were a if they haven't moved a inch. The terrified Boy exhaled then buried his face in his hands. He started to cry.

Lincoln:(sobbing) I can't take this shit anymore...I...I.... can't.

Just then he heard a knock on his bedroom door. Lincoln quickly took his face out of the palm of his hands. He immediately wiped the tears from his eyes. Then put on a fake smile.

Lincoln:Come in

The door opened revealing it to be lynn Sr.

Lynn sr:It's time to get up! you are going with me in a Little bit.

This confused Lincoln.

Lincoln:Um where we going dad?

He asked his father.

Lynn sr: We are going to get you a tattoo remember?

Lincoln's jaw almost dropped. He didn't understand what his father was talking about. I mean he didn't  remember agreeing to get a tattoo. Getting a tattoo was a permanent thing. I mean he had  to remember if said yes to getting something like that.

Lincoln:Okay just let me get dressed and eat breakfast okay.

Lynn Sr: Okay please hurry up.

Lincoln:Got it.

He then shut the door. Lincoln got out of bed walking over to his dresser taking out a orange polo shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Lincoln put on his clothes in a hurry, he next opened his door and scurried out of his room. 
The 15 year old raced downstairs to the kitchen. Lincoln saw all his sisters were already at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Lynn turn her attention to walk way to see her younger brother.

Lynn: Hey Lincoln how did you sleep

Lincoln: awful I hope they stop. They feel more and more real each time.

Hello I hoped you enjoyed chapter one if you did please leave a vote and a comment. Sorry if it was short well I hope you have a awesome day

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