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The school day at royalwoods high school had just ended. Lincoln was at his locker. He had a annoyed look on his face. The teenager glanced down at his arm to see the permanent image of a monarch butterfly.

Lincoln: I still can't believe dad let them do this to me when I was asleep.

Lincoln said to himself as he continued putting his stuff In his book bag. As he did Lincoln felt a hand touch his shoulder. He quickly turned around to find his best friends Clyde McBride.

Clyde:Sup dude how you been.

Clyde asked Lincoln.

Lincoln: well buddy I'm pissed. Because I got a tattoo that I don't remember agreeing to get. The other reason is that my dad let them give it to me  when I was passed out asleep.

He explained to his right hand man.

Clyde: WOW that's fucked up Linc . I mean if they are going to tattoo someone shouldn't the person be awake?

Lincoln:Thats what I said.

Lincoln responded closing his locker door then proceeds to put his book bag on his back.

Clyde:Well buddy if your not busy me and the guys are going to my house later around 8 for a sleepover . You wanna come.

The loud boy smiled ear to ear and let out a little chuckle. 

Lincoln: I won't miss it for the world

He  promised his childhood friend. Clyde nodded then went on his way. Just as his friend left  Lincoln felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He reached into his pocket taking out his cellphone. Lincoln saw he got a text from his mom. The text read "sweetie I'm picking you up today.i will be waiting outside for you". The young boy rolled his eyes. The 15 year old usual walked home. I know what your thinking. Why is Lincoln so mad that he is getting picked up rather than walking home? Well the reason for this is that he loved the peace not to mention being alone with his thoughts when walking home. But it was just for one day He thought. He  started to make his way to the front entrance. A thought came to him.

Lincoln:(in his head) I noticed that the nightmare with the aliens had stop.

Lincoln exited out the front entrance to see find the family van parked in front the building.  He saw his mother at the wheel.  The albino sighed as he walked down the step toward the vehicle.

Lincoln:(in his head) This is so weird. First its dad taking  me to get a tattoo, that I don't remember agreeing to get let alone talk about the subject. Now moms picking me up from school out of the blue.

He wondered getting into the front passenger seat. The van started to drive away from the school. Lincoln stared out the window thinking about what's been happened.

Lincoln:(in his head) What in the Hell is going on? mom doesn't do this often. I need a answer.

Lincoln thought as  turned to his mother.

Lincoln:Mom where we going?

He asked her waiting in anticipation. The smiling Rita loud glanced at her son for few seconds before turning her attention back on the road.

Rita: Oh yeah silly me,Lincoln I forgot to tell you. You got a doctors appointment today.

She answered with a smile. But her smile didn't comfort him in anyway.  Lincoln now knew for a fact something was going on. But he decided it would be a wise idea to not ask anymore questions and see if this so called doctors appointments gave him any clues. 8 minutes into the car ride Lincoln thought it would be good to start up a conversation.

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