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Am I not good enough? It always seems like there's someone else, someone who makes you happy that isn't me. It always seems like when you're in need you think you have no one, but there are so many fucking people that actually care and want to talk with you. Wether it means throwing away their sleep schedule and comforting you, or just stoping what they're doing just to talk to you because they care. So many people care.But you keep thinking because you don't have one person that you can't be happy. I'm here when you need to talk, there are so many other people too, and there are so many people who love you but you keep yourself down because of one person, one person who didn't even care if you were going to kill your self. One person that you know your friends hate because of how they made you feel. But it's not my choice. If I'm not enough, I'm not enough. If I'm worthless to you, then I'm worthless. It's fine. I'm fine. You don't have to bother yourself about me. You can keep chasing one person that won't come back to you. If thats what makes you happy, then I'll shut up. I'll shut up and wait so I can comfort you when they leave again. I'll be happy for you, if that's what makes me worth something. Don't blame yourself, it's just me being jealous. I'm not right, don't listen to me. I don't deserve your attention. Ignore me and keep chasing that toxic waste.

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