Chapter 4

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Written by ReeAnn

"Run! Run!"

"Get the kids!"

I wake to the smell of cooking, but this time it's not the cooking of my mum's bacon and eggs, but the smell of burning tents and shelters. I try to move but I am strapped down, I try to kick my way out but I only have one leg, I try to scream but my mouth is covered. It is then that I realise what is going on.

Four men holding loaded guns stomp around the large tent pointing at kids, who just like me are strapped down. Frantically I try my hardest to escape the steel prison in which I am trapped in. Oh no, the men walking around have symbols on their shirts, and they aren't the good ones. They are from the other side! My face turns a pale white as a man points right at me.

"Today is your lucky day... kid!"

His harsh fingers wrap around my injured body as he unclips the straps and throws me over his shoulder. As he carries me through the tent and I see things I will never forget. Children younger than me being held at gunpoint and ordered to carry their own mates to a large tank. As the not so friendly giant nears the tank my heart beats faster and faster. Before I know it we are there, at the tank. As I an led up to the entrance the man at the controls gives me a stern look. That look lingers in my mind for the next what feels like hours as the tank drives along with me and around five other soldiers in complete darkness.

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