I love you

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You know what?I don't think that I love you.I don't suppose that
I AM SIMPLY SURE OF THAT!A winter night at Predeal,wasted people around us ,which to be honest gave us time to make all things clear.
-Come here!Let's talk
-Why now?
-I am a bit drunk and I wanna be sure that I tell you all :)
-Ok then.
You told me you were the only one making things worse,the only one making silly mistakes.I told you I made stupid things too.Then I shut up and listened.Something that I figured I should do more often.It's good for the soul.:))
You told me you were sorry for what you've told me.For all the shitty things that you had me go through.You also told me I didn't deserve what my ex had done,cause I am a great person and great people shouldn't be dissapointed that much.You can consider yourself forgiven.Every single time that you make a mistake,realize it,and try to fix things you should remember that you are human and human beings are not perfect.We are not robots,schedualed to complete perfect actions in perfect time.
We have a mind,and a heart.We can feel and we do feel.We feel a lot of things one more important than the other.But the greatest thing that we feel is love.We love our parents,brothers or sisters,gradparents and pets.We love our friends and our friends love us.
We give and receive love.We hugged and you kissed me good-night on my forhead,told me you love me.I placed a kiss on your forhead and told you the same thing.You are and you will always be my best friend.You deserve that special place in my heart even though you don't consider that yourself.
Till next time you guys go tell your friends and family that you love them.Tomorrow they might be gone.BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY:)))

Love you

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