Chapter 1 - Auto Biography

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Chapter 1 – Auto Biography

A man in his late twenties enters the little corner coffee shop, ringing the bell attached to the top of the door as he enters thus alerting the waitress to his presence. She looks up at him with a welcoming smile.

He assesses the room with his big green eyes, searching but unsure as to whom he is searching for. His gaze scanning over the occupants seated at the various tables, who are all engaged in their own conversations and gossip, when his eyes finally meets mine, sitting in the far most back corner, he gives a small nod in acknowledgment.

I stare blankly at him, not really in the mood for company. Lately I'm not in the mood for anything, even though I was the one who requested this meeting.

After searching my eyes for a few seconds he makes his way to me, weaving through the close set tables, intent not to bump into anything or anyone.

When he finally reaches the side of my table he seems almost out of breath and starts fumbling and stuttering, trying to find the right word for his introduction and seemingly, still not sure if I am indeed the person he seeks but before he can utter a word I motion for him to sit down across from me and he eagerly takes a seat, placing his laptop on the table and squirming around in his chair trying to get comfortable.

Instantly the waitress is at his side smiling at him, batting her eyelids. Waiting to take his order but her body language says that she's wanting to take much more, the lust in her eyes evident. He doesn't even notice but I've been around long enough to pick up the change in her demeanor.

I can understand her flirtation, he is rather attractive in a nerdy kind of way with golden-blond tousled hair, those big green eyes, and innocent boyish look. If it wasn't for his stubbled chin, broad shoulders and large frame he could easily be mistaken for being much younger, maybe even a college student.

He orders a coffee and the waitress turns and looks at me, waiting for my order but I don't acknowledge her and keep my gaze on him. He seemingly becomes uncomfortable with the silence and awkwardness of the situation and attempts to break the silence by asking if I would like something to drink.

I still don't answer, analyzing him, studying him intently. I find it amusing that I can make someone feel so uncomfortable by doing absolutely nothing at all. After a few silent moments I simply state, "My usual", and the waitress disappears into the kitchen area without a word.

He takes a deep breath and states:
"My name is Alex, José said you wanted someone to type your autobiography?"

I roll my eyes and snort. Muttering under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear.
"José... I hate that little weasel" with irritation in my voice.

Alex: "Sooo than, you don't want assistance with your autobiography?"

Before I can answer the waitress is back and places a cup of steaming coffee in front of Alex. She smiles and him for almost a second too long, forgetting she still has my order on her tray, quickly grabbing the tall aluminum tumbler and placing it in front of me with a straw on the side, disappearing again to attend to other customers.

Alex looks around the room over his shoulder, It didn't go unnoticed that I was the only one drinking from an aluminum tumbler. He motions with a nod of the head and asks "what are you drinking?"

Me: "Clair"
Alex repeats "Clair?" in complete confusion.
I smirk and motion to him over his shoulder. He looks back over his shoulder to find the waitress eyeing him. When she sees him looking back at her she smiles a little too eagerly and gives a small awkward wave.

Me: "Clair... The waitress"
Alex looks back at me even more confused and then back at her again, as if his trying to process what I'm saying.

Realizing this is going to be a harder task than I thought, I roll my eyes and state "she likes you" and I can almost see the A-ha moment in his demeanor when he figures out that I was mealy stating the fact that the waitress was into him. He quickly adjusts himself in his chair and looks back at me. Not pushing further for an answer as to what I'm drinking.

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