Chapter 25 - True love

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Chapter 25 - True love

Shadow and I were spending more and more time together. The more time I spent with him the more I realised that I did have feelings for him.

He made me smile, he made me feel comfortable and safe, I didn't have to look over my shoulder the whole time while I was with him, I knew he would protect me with his life.

I also saw change in him, and so did the others. He actually smiled now and again. He seemed happier. He was not always serious and broody and he was actually opening up more.

We spent a lot of time taking strolls through the forest, just talking, sharing past stories and experiences.

We also spent a lot of time training together. I didn't have to pretend to suck at fighting anymore, Shadow saw what I was capable of when I fought Wildflower, I just had to show him that I was actually good with weapons as well, especially the bow and arrow.

Our practice sessions often included sparring with each other. He enjoyed it because he didn't have to go easy on me just because I was female, but he was always a gentleman and even though he said he wasn't holding back, I knew he was.

I on the other hand didn't hold back, it was something The General tought me... If you want to bring out a person's best fighting abilities, you have to give them your best. In real combat the opponent won't give anything less than their best so why train in half measures.

For months things were peaceful but as I've e learned, there was always a calm before a storm...One morning, on our return from a trip to town we were ambushed by a group of vampires, who were quick to state that they were sent by Robert to take out the pack that had soiled the Vampire Queen and return the Queen to the King.

Amongst all the fighting that broke out, some of the vampires made a run for it, into the forest. They were heading toward the cabin where the rest of the wolves were. Joshua and I yelled for Shadow to get to the cabin and protect the pack.

At first he didn't want to leave us but eventually he did what was expected of the alpha to do, he took off in the direction of the cabin whilst we continued fighting the vampires that was left.

Slowly Joshua and I got separated into two groups, each fighting a group of vampires on our own. At the time I didn't take notice, I was too busy fighting, and neither did Joshua, but the division was Intentional.

I kept fighting but after a few minutes realised, these vampires weren't really all that into fighting or capturing me for that matter, they were just stalling for time, keeping me distracted and busy. I didn't know why, but that's when I noticed I had no clue as to where Joshua was.

They kept me isolated for about half an hour before they just seized fighting and fled. I thought the entire incident was very strange. I was worried about Joshua but couldn't find him.

In the meantime Shadow had made it back to the cabin without incident, the vampires changed course and retreated, never reaching the pack... It was all a decoy but Shadow only realised that when he got back to the cabin, only to find there were no vampires in sight.

Shadow was irritated and worried, pacing up and down the outside of the cabin. He didn't want to leave and go looking for us in fear that the vampires would pitch at the cabin.

After roughly 15 minutes of worrying and waiting, Joshua returned, only to state that he got separated from me and didn't know my whereabouts or whether I was okay or not.

The group he was fighting with pushed him further and further away and then they suddenly took off, retreating and leaving him without doing any actual harm to him. He was unable to find me and decided it best to get back to the cabin.

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