Chapter 20 - Return trip

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Chapter 20 - Return trip

Me:" So do you believe me yet?"

Alex:"It's a lot to take in... I don't know what to think. Where is Robert now?"

Me:"Best you don't know, he is a dangerous vampire"

Alex:"Yes, but I mean how are you not with him if you belong to him, and he won't let you out of his sight?"

Me: "Yes well, I finally did get a chance to run... Only problem is I'm still running, still having to watch my back and frankly I'm tired of running"

Alex:"How did you get away?"

Me:"Well, as time past, I had more opportunities as a Queen to grow my wealth, I got involved in more business ventures, I made more money on the side, I invested a lot of that in properties under different aliases and saved money in various accounts and trusts around the world, without Robert's knowledge... Or maybe he did know and just didn't care. He was too busy working on his own plans to care about what I was up too.

It was around 1920, we lived in a beautiful country Villa in Romania, it was about two years after World War 1 and the countryside was not as effected by the war as other places.

One day I was relaxing in our room, I think I was reading a book or something when I heard a commotion in the hallways.

I rushed out and as I reached the stairway one of the Generals Guards came running up the stairs.

Me:"Whats going on?"

Guard:"The beasts that was locked in the seller escaped. Your highness I must insist that you return to your quarters immediately" and with that he ran down the hallway inspecting one room at a time.

I was curious as to what 'beast' he was referring to and further more why it was locked away in the seller. That was the first I've ever heard of it.

And besides, I was not about to take orders from a guard.

I made my way down stairs and slipped passed a few guards who were busy searching for this beast.

I thought about it - If I was a beast, locked up in a seller, and I got out...where would I go. The answer was simple, I would go look for food and a way out. Animal instict and all. So I headed to the kitchen.

All the staff had already been evacuated, as soon as a rounded the corner to go towards the kitchen, I collided with a young boy, whom I didn't recognise. I would know cause children was not a common sighting in vampire homes.

We both got a huge fright and he was ready to make a run for it when I gestured to him to stay calm and whispered "Shhhh what are you doing here?"

At first he was too scared to answer but he finally whispered "I just want to go home" and a tear rolled down his dirty cheek. "Please don't let them lock me away again"

That's when I realised that the 'beast' the guards were searching for, was only a boy of about 10 years old. Why on earth they were in such a panic was beyond me.

I heard guards approaching and with my finger over my lips gestured for the boy to stay quiet and pushed him into the broom cupboard.

When the guards entered they were surprised to find me in the kitchen. I just pretended to be searching for some fruit and denied seeing anything suspicious other than all the staff being gone... Acting like it annoyed me having to serve myself.

After they left I gave the boy a container of water, couple of fruit and a piece of bread to take with. His hands were not big enough to carry it so I tore a piece of cloth from the bottom of my dress to wrap the food in it.

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