Chapter 8 - Homecoming

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Chapter 8 - Homecoming

It was an evening similar to any other, after dinner Pierré went out to the stables to check on the animals and the workers while I went upstairs to have my bath and get ready for bed.

Pierré had taken longer than usual to return and I was just about to go looking for him, making my way down the stairs when I heard voices arguing. I recognised Pierre's voice but not the other... The other being louder and more dominant and aggressive.

As I moved closer to the door I saw the two men just outside, Pierré noticing me first, motioned for me not to move, he didn't want me to come any closer. I also saw something else... Fear, it was written all over his face.

When Pierré motioned to me to stand still, It drew the attention of the other man who slowly looked around at me.

He looked at me intently, studying me, his gaze landing on the cuts in my neck and shoulders and I saw the anger rise in his eyes, he clenched his jaw and grabbed Pierré's shirt by his chest pulling him closer, hovering over him, other fist clenched, ready to beat Pierré "How dare you touch her, who the fuck do you think you are!?"

Pierré: "Please Master, forgive me... I'm sorry" Pierré was almost in tears, pleading for forgiveness. I'd never seen him like that. He always gave the impression of being fearless and strong but now... He was a different man.

I instantly knew who this man was, when Pierré called him Master... He was my Master, and that evoke such fear in me.

Master Robert pushed Pierré so hard that he fell to the ground, he spun around and confronted me. He towered over me with his large frame. I was so frightened I just lowered my gaze as a sign of a submission. He glared at me without a word just breathing heavily like a predator, waiting for me to make a move before he pounces.

When I showed no reaction other than staring at the floor he finally yelled at me to go to my room and stay there.

I tried to look for Pierré but Master Robert's brought shoulders blocked my view, so I just hurried up the stairs without looking back.

As I shut the door I heard the arguing continue but I couldn't hear what was being said. I jumped into bed and waited... The arguing eventually stopped and it became silent. Hours passed before I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night from another nightmare, caused by my worry if Pierré was alright. I decided to sneak out to his room to go check on him but to my surprise I found my door to be locked.

All I could do was go back to bed, lying tossing and turning until I eventually fell back asleep.

It was just before sunrise when I jolted awake from a nagging feeling that I was being watched. Startled I sat up in bed pulling the covers up to my chest. I squinted a few times trying to adjust my eye sight but all I could make out was a silhouette of someone sitting in the chair in the corner of the room.

From the broadness of his frame I knew it was Master Robert, but he didn't move or make a sound.

Me:"Uhm... Master Robert?"

There was no reply and that made me even more uncomfortable.

Me: "Master Robert, I'm sorry for angering you, I'm not sure what precisely I did to anger you, but I will like to set things right if I can..."

I was mumbling on, trying to defuse the situation, trying to get him to say something... Anything.

He stood up and strolled closer to the side of the bed. I was scared and couldn't see him, I couldn't see his facial expression and feeling so powerless made me uncomfortable, so without thinking about it I did Magick to light the candles in the room.

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