Chapter 6

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Niall's POV

It's been two days after I went with Mimi to her dad's house. We've been talking a lot and I love that. She's such an easy person to talk to and we even have friendly debates on things, which I like. For example, for some people this might be weird, considering she's a girl but I thought this was a funny argument. We had picked two girl celebrities and fought over who was better in all categories. Who we thought were prettier, more talented. She wasn't like every girl that I've met. But one thing that was on my mind was how different she was from the day we met, to the day we went to her dad's house and today. When we first met she wasn't totally shy, she was able to talk and not hold back and she was happy, giggly and bubbly. The day we went to her dad' house, she wasn't the same. And I could see that she was trying to make it seem that everything was fine, that she was still the same. No, she wasn't. Here's the thing, she told me all the things that were worrying her and I expected her to go inside the house all gloomy but no she came in as happy as she always is but I could tell there was something off, like if she was faking it. Her dad and Christie probably didn't notice it but I did and I know that she knew it too.

She hasn't mentioned it once in the past two days. And i'm not going to mention it either, because i've already seen how much she doesn't like talking about it. I see it. I see the switch, I see one minute she's happy and if she starts talking about it, she switches and she gets...serious. Then she'll change the subject.

I'm sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn in front of me, bored out of my mind. The rest of the boys weren't doing much either, everyone was just watching t.v, flipping through channels. I started throwing popcorn in the air to try and catch them in my mouth. Then Harry comes and sits in front of me and grabs a hand full of popcorn.

"You don't seem very happy." I said as he stuffs his mouth. He finishes chewing then says, "two days. its been two days since i last spoken to her or even saw her." I knew he was talking about him missing Tori.

"why haven't you called her?" I asked him. "She and her boyfriend broke up, not a very good ending. I feel like I should be there for her, but then I feel like she doesn't really want to talk to me either." he says. I didn't really know what to say to that. He could actually be right, the way Tori and Andrew's relationship ended, was tragic. It would seem like she would probably want to be alone.

"Why don't you call her and find out. If she wants to talk to you, great. if she doesn't, you cant really feel bad cause you saw it coming." I said. He just looks at me, thinking. He then pulls out his phone from his pocket and starts to dial a number. I smiled and stood up to leave him some privacy. I went a plopped my self on the couch, where Harry was once sitting.

"Do you guys have anything planned for today?" I asked them.

"We were planning to go to the mall, it's a Sunday, so not many people are gonna be there." Zayn said. "If you wanna go Niall, might wanna invite Michelle, the rest of the girls are going." Liam said. Then Louis started elbowing me saying, "Yeah Niall, your girl..."

I thought it was a pretty good idea, that way Mimi could meet the girls and become friends with them. I stood up and walked to the balcony. When I was passing harry, I saw him still on the phone, I guess still waiting for an answer. I walked out and called, Mimi.

"Hello?" she answers.

"hey, how are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good. whats up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me and the lads?" I asked.

"Sure, id love to."

"and..their girlfriends." I said.

"Oh, well that's even better. yeah, i'd love to." she says.

"Okay, I'll call you later then." I said, hanging up the phone.

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