Roleplay 15 ~ A Battle with Magic

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A magical arena has broke out, be careful, some may die, some will live, the prize is better than a grief seed, but still, dangerous to handle. There are grief seeds all across the arena, fighting in it will be amazingly easier with them.

A time ripple has brought them to you today.

~Puella Magi Bio's~

~Kaoru Maki~

An athletic football (soccer) player, she lives with her two friends, Kazumi and Umika while their parents are working overseas. She acts as an older sister figure, taking good care of things. She is a magical girl, and is a member of the Pleiades Saints. She tells Kazumi she wished for a strong, healthy body that would always let her play football, but her actual wish was to help the people hurt in the same soccer match as her. The reason for this discrepancy is unknown.

Kaoru is the brawn of the three, though it's unknown how she acts within the Pleiades. She is strong-willed. Even though she wants to become a great football player she merely wished for a strong body so she could always play, as she wants to do it with her own ability.

~Umika Misaki~

Umika is the brains of the Pleiades. Although a rather cheery person and far from cold, she keeps her cool most of the time and analyzes situations with care.

As a writer, she often has episodes of writer's block. When this happens, her personality changes dramatically: she becomes extremely frustrated and grows visible horns, going on a cooking frenzy. Her cooking is rather good, and eating it generally solves her block. When this does not work, she goes on a shopping spree with her friends: given her wealth, money is not an issue. Still, she can be quite stingy: it is said she will go anywhere to save one Yen in groceries.

She wished for an editor who would recognize her works and treat them with care, as once she wrote a draft for a novel that was taken by her editor and released under the authorship of a top idol to rave reviews. When asked why she didn't simply wish to be a best-selling author, she states she did not want talent, but fame. This may mean she either believes in her own talent, or simply wants to be famous. Either way, she uses the money she earns to give herself and her friends a comfortable life.

~Niko Kanna~

Niko is a mostly quiet girl, being constantly seen with the same uninterested look on her face (which barely changes even when pierced with an arrow). However, she possesses high intelligence; arguably the highest in the bunch. She is a tech expert, and uses several pieces of high tech equipment, such as smartphones, to assist the girls with information. She is also able to quickly analyze situations, and notice subtle details that the others do not.

She can be sarcastic at times, but with no malice.

~Oriko Mikuni~

Oriko's ability to forsee the future gained her the understanding that magical girls can become witches, and because of that, a terrible future could await the city. Due to that vision, as well as her upbringing as the daughter of a politician, Oriko feels responsible to prevent that possible future, at all costs. Oriko smiles as she lies to Yuma, to manipulate the young girl into contracting with Kyubey. She convinces her close friend Kirika to do the dirty work of killing other magical girls. Oriko feels those means are justified by her end goal of protecting the peace she has achieved in her life with Kirika, as well as bringing peace to the world. She seems to be highly influenced by her political family in her ability to exercise Machiavellian tactics with much personal charisma, all for the sake of a lofty goal.


Her life is consumed by a single objective: revenge. Due to the death of her friend, she developed a great animosity towards the Pleiades Saints and now lives to exact vengeance on them. She is ruthless, not only fighting the Pleiades directly, but in also spawning pseudo-witches from innocent humans. They not only attack the Pleiades but also other humans, thus leaving a trail of blood in her path of retribution. Hellbent in the Arena, she is a devious and deadly target.

She has a particular interest in Kazumi, as she believes hurting Kazumi will hurt the Pleiades the most.


Kazumi is rather hotheaded. Her mood is very unstable, and can swing between extremes in a couple of seconds. Still, she is cheerful most of the time. Her reactions are very spontaneous: while rediscovering her old life, she is often seen with a very surprised expression. She is kind of a ditz, especially (but understandably so) in situations she is only now rediscovering; for example, forgetting her skirt while transforming. Nonetheless, she is more than capable of rising up to the situation when it is required.

~Kirika Kure~

Kirika is somewhat rash. Her top priority is her friend, Oriko, and she seems to do anything Oriko asks of her, including killing other magical girls. Kirika appears to be mentally unstable, such as her insistence in having everyone know the difference between a "crush" and "love", as she is willing to devote herself entirely to her love.

She can be moody, and has mood swings from time to time, switching from declarations of love to showing disdain towards everyone but Oriko in the span of moments. She tends to be overly serious when it comes to talking about Oriko and/or love, but often shows childish behavior such as commenting about how hungry she is during battle or admiring Mami's skills and weapons during their battle. Kirika hates people who call her a 'child', with Oriko being the only exception.

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