Freight Train

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"It's like we're twins." Rhino said as Bolt looked at his lightning bolt while looked at him like he was nuts. "Yeah, scary." I said unsure of what to say. "So where's Penny?" He asked and glanced around. "She was kidnapped by the Green-Eyed Man." Bolt said as Rhino lost his smile. "Kidnapped? This is terrible! She could be in-" "Grave danger, I know." Bolt said interrupting Rhino and his little pacing. "But I've captured this dog." He said and looked at me. "An agent of the Green-Eyed Man I presume?" Rhino asked and glared at me as I backed up a little. 

"Oh you presume correctly. She's taking me to Penny." Bolt said, stepping on the leashed as he looked at me then lifted up his paw. 'What is up with these animals?' I thought then looked at Rhino. " are a vile vermin! How do you sleep at night? Penny's the most wonderful most wonderful person ever and he loves Bolt and he's awesome and you're a monster!" Rhino said as I looked annoyed at him. "How dare you disrupt their relationship with your evil? Die! Die!" He said and started going after me as I scooted back. 

Bolt's POV

"Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey!" I said and struggled to hold Rhino back from attacking Y/N, who looked like she had no idea what was happening. "I can take her Bolty! Die! Die!" He said and kept trying to roll his ball at her. "Easy, easy Rhino. Easy" I said as he stopped. I looked at Y/N as her e/c eyes shown confusion as I let go of his ball, sitting back. "You're right. We need her alive." He said and wiped his mouth. "Uh we?" Y/N asked and looked at him with her ears twitched towards him. "Yes! Bolt, I could be a valuable addition to your team." He said and turned to me with a smile.

"I'm listening." I said and smiled down at him. "I'm lightning quick, I have razor-sharp reflexes,and I'm a master of stealth. Plus, I'll keep the dog in check." He said as I glanced at Y/N to see her shake her head and roll her eyes as I came up with an idea to annoy her more. "The road will be rough." I said and knelt down. "I have a ball." He said and gestured to it. "There's no turning back." I said and smiled. "Guess I'll have to roll with the punches." He said and rolled his ball.

"Easy won't be part of the equation." I said and nudged closer to him. "Promise?" He asked. "Gotta warn you going into the belly of the beast, danger at every turn." I said, glancing at Y/N with a smile as she looked annoyed. "I eat danger for breakfast." He said and leaned his ball against my head. "Are you hungry?" I asked and wagged my tail. I smiled and looked at him as he cracked his neck as he was hyped up. "Starving!" He said and looked at me. 

"Welcome aboard!" I said and smiled brightly as he cheered. "Hey, can we talk for a second?" Y/N asked with a sweet smile before rolling Rhino away as we took a small walk as I stared at her. She is beautiful for an enemy.  "I don't know what's going on here, but I'm just a little bit concerned about the number of lunatics on this trip." She said and smiled at me was I rolled my eyes with a small smile as we stopped. "My limit is one." She said and looked at me with her beautiful e/c eyes as I smiled and decided to annoy her more.

"He's coming with us." I said as I wanted to laugh. "But I-" She was suddenly interrupted by Rhino rolling his ball against her hind leg, trying to get her to move. "Move it prisoner. We're losing daylight." He said as she shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I agree. Now, we need to find a fast set of wheels." I said with a smile. "Oh, I've got a better idea follow me." Rhino said as he started to cheer softly as Y/N looked at him like he was nuts as we started to follow him. It wasn't before long we were on a bridge watching a train speed by under us. 

"Okay, so what we do here is we give the target a quick flyover, we adjust the trajectory, and then land dead center. Am I missing anything, Rhino?" I asked and looked at him as I feel Y/N tug on the lease to move me away or get out of it. "Just the knowledge that every minute spent with your company becomes the new greatest minute of my life." He said as we smiled at each other. "No! Nuh uh! Forget it! How do you say 'No way I'm doing!' in crazy?" Y/N asked as she tried pulling me away. "Calm down, dog. You're with me." I said and looked to see her wearing an Easter egg bucket for a helmet.

"That's the problem!" She said and kept pulling away as that comment hurt for some reason as I roughly yank the leash and cause her to fall back. "Oh, would you relax? Every time you get to this on the magic box, it was awesome!" Rhino said as I grabbed the string of the sign hanging on the bridge. "Magic what?" I hear Y/N ask as she stopped yanking on the leash finally. "You know, the magic box people stare at." Rhino replied to her. "Whoa, wait, wait, wait. Does this box have moving pictures on it?" She asked a little worried. "Yeah, and Bolt's pictures are the best!" He said happily.

"Bolt's pictures....of course! He's from-" I cut her off by going under her to put her on my back as she freaked out when the bucket fell off her head. I stood on the edge and held onto Rhino's ball as Y/N kept saying 'no' and for me not to it. "Let it begin! Let it begin!" Rhino said as he kicked it ball. "Wait, you are not a superher-ahhhh!" I cut Y/N off by jumping off the edge and swing by the sign across the train. The sign ripped a bit causing us to go done the the height of the train and luckily miss it as we swung back. I kept a tight grip on the sign then was forced to let go by the power of the train. 

We rolled on the top as I landed with a hard thud as Y/N went over the back. I stood up and shook my head and looked for her and saw the leash trail off the train. "Y/N!" I said and suddenly felt worried and concerned for her. I hurried and saw her clinging to the ladder for dear life with her eyes closed in fear. "Y/N, take my paw. I need you alive." I said and held out my paw to her. "You're crazy! Stay away from me!" She said as it kinda hurtful. "Take my paw! I'll save you!" I said as something was unlatched by my other paw. 

"No you won't! You're not really a s-ahhh!" She was interrupted by the ladder fall as it pulled me with her. It stopped before hitting the ground as we groaned in pain. She opened her eyes to see the ground quickly moving under us and went to the platform of the train as I tried to go but was caught on the ladder by the leash. I tugged to try and get free but nothing was working. 


I look over to see Bolt trying to free himself as I hear a rattling noise and looked over to see a bolt (tool) unscrewing from the ladder. I gasped and quickly tried to stop it and twist it back in. Suddenly, Rhino dropped in beside me and started to roughly hit me with his hamster containment (That way it doesn't sound dirty). "You moron! Stop it! I'm trying to help him!" I said and used my hind leg to push him away while he pushed against it. "Help him? Yeah, right." He said as I glared at him then noticed the other bolt holding the ladder was coming unscrewed. 

Bolt x Dog!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now