One Big Happy Family

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I barked softly as they some fireman gently picked up Penny and laid her on the stretcher. Another went to pick up Bolt as I nuzzled him. "Such a good girl. Come on." The fireman said as he picked up Bolt and petted me. I followed them out weakly but another fireman helped me out and picked me up. I saw Rhino trying to catch up as I barked softly. The fireman turned around and looked at him. "Is it this your little friend?" He asked as I softly barked again, wagging my tail. He gently picked up Rhino and took us to the ambulance. I crawled up and laid on Penny's mother's lap. 

Bolt was laid on Penny as she smiled weakly and petted him gently. "I'm so sorry." Her mother said as she pet me gently as I looked at them both sadly. "I can't imagine what you must be feeling. No mother should ever have to go through something like this." A guy with a suit and white air said as he entered in the ambulance. I growled gently, not liking his presence. "But, I promise you, we're going to make this work for us. I'm talking cover stories, production deals, executive producer credit! This is gonna be great!" The man said as he shook Penny's stretcher. 

I growled more as Penny's mother felt the same way I was feeling and tossed him out. "We quiet!" She said as I stood beside her and nodded. "Wait, let's not make rash decisions. L-Let's put a pin in it!" He said as Penny's mother shut the door. "You are such a good dog." She said softly as I hopped up and laid back on her lap as she petted me gently. I nuzzled her hand as Rhino laid beside me. 

Time Skip

A heart monitor was going off. "I'm afraid your injuries were more severe than we have previously thought, my dear." The doctor said, unwrapping the head bandages. "We had to completely reconstruct your face. Have a look." He said as the nurse handed the doctor a mirror as the doctor handed it to the little girl. "Well, at least Caleco won't be able to recognize me." The little girl said inspecting her new face. She moved the mirror as Caleco was holding a needle. "

Caleco!" She shouted and just as he went to give her the shot, a green laser shot the needle causing it to break. Bolt (fake) busted through the window and pinned Caleco. "Bolt!" The girl said as she happily sat up. He used Super Bark as he made a hole in the wall that they both jumped out of. They were caught by a beam and being lifted up as Caleco went and looked up to see spaceships. "Aliens!" He said, taking off his doctor's mask. Suddenly the tv turned off as I shook my head with a smile. 

"That is totally unrealistic." Rhino said as Bolt walked up to him. "Absolutely redonkulous." He said as he laid down beside him on the couch. "You could say that again." I said with a smile and laid across from him as Penny's mother started petting me behind my ear as my foot thumped against the couch. I had on a brand new collar on similar to Bolt's as I walked over as he gave me a gentle lick on the cheek. The toy carrot was tossed between us as Bolt went after it and played with it. "Hey, silly doggy." Penny said as she giggled walking over as she sat in front of the couch. "Hey, my little rescue pup." She said as she nuzzled her head against mine as I did the same. 

I was invited to work for the fire station but I wouldn't leave Penny's side. Bolt was right about her. She is different and she is perfect. She turned around with her back to the couch then lifted her camera and took a picture. I smiled as I was nuzzling her cheek as Bolt held the carrot in his mouth. Rhino beside me. "That's a keeper. You guys wanna go play outside? Huh? You wanna go play outside?" She asked as me and Bolt wagged our tails happily. "Let's go!" She said and grabbed the carrot with a smile as me and Bolt followed her outside. 

A few years later, me and Bolt decided to settle down and have a pup or two. Alright, we had four. One had my e/c eyes with Bolt's snow white fur, one had his sparkling brown eyes and my fur, one who looks like him as a puppy and finally a pup with the fur of white and my color of fur. She had one dark brown eye and one e/c. I couldn't ask for a better father to my pups. Bolt is so caring and kind and very protective. Yeah, I guess you can say I found one big happy family. And I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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