Laxus x Reader: This Wasn't Part of the Plan

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Happy Saturday! (Rebecca Black's song stuck on my head, Oh No x3) So I have some important news and I hope you guys are reading this. The important news is....I'LL BE ENTERING THE FAIRYTAIL_WATTYAWARDS!!!! :DDDDDD YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA! I'll be entering my Laxus x Reader series, so I would love it if you guys voted for my story. It will literally mean a whole lot to me and I would love you guys so much <3 <3 <3 (More info TBA...) Of course, if I don't win I won't be totally sad (just a bit disappointed). I already have so much from you guys for reading/voting/following/and commenting. You guys truly lighten up my day everyday :)

Your POV

Life here was slowly getting better. I eventually got used to talking with Cobra and Cobra stalking my thoughts.

"It's been 5 days."


"I said, it's been 5 days." Cobra repeated.

"They're coming. I know they're trying their best to come." I hoped to myself.

"You're right...they're here.." Cobra said and my eyes widened.

"REALLY?" Suddenly my heart filled with excitement and happiness.

"I can hear their voices..." Cobra continued.

"Yea...keep going..."



"And I'm just kidding." Cobra let out a laugh.

"ARGH! Once I get out I'm going to show you a piece of my mind!"

"I'm sure you'll get out." 

Then a frog guard came over. 

Great, I'm starving. 

The frog guard stood in front of my cell empty handed.

"Where's my food?" I asked, but then the most shocking thing happened. Lucy, Erza, and Laxus popped out.

"Lucy? Laxus?" I was lost with words.

"Hi!" Lucy smiled and waved.

"LUCY! LAXUS! ERZA!" I stood up and ran to them, only to be stopped by the bars. I had tears in my eyes and Laxus held my face bringing it close to his. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Let's get you out." Erza said rushing the frog guard. The frog guard opened the jail and I was free. 

"Wait...why is this frog guard helping us? How did you guys get in? What about all the other prisoners?!" All these questions spilled out of my mouth, but I was interrupted when I heard a voice intercom.

"INTRUDER ALERT. INTRUDER ALERT. SOMEONE HAS BROKEN INTO THE PRISON. SOMEONE HAS BROKEN INTO THE PRISON. I REPEAT SOMEONE HAS..." The speaker got blasted by a bolt of lightning and I turned to a grinning Laxus.

"Let's go now before they find us." Laxus said holding my hand.

"Wait." I turned to Prison 10977 and looked at Cobra for the first time. He was a slender man with tanned-skin and maroon hair.

"You were lying when you said they weren't coming." I said to Cobra and Cobra shook his head.

"In all honesty, I wanted you to stay here and company me forever. You really are pretty now that I can see you, 10975." Cobra admitted.

"It's (y/n). My name is (y/n)." I kindly told him. 

You weren't so bad of a neighbor after all.... 

"I know." Cobra flashed a smirk and I smiled.

"YOU THERE! GET THEM!" I turned and saw dozens of guards at the exit. 

"C'mon let's go." Lucy shouted and Laxus grabbed onto my wrist.

"DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" I looked the other way and saw another dozen of guards coming through.

"There's more coming! Where are Natsu and the others?" Erza called out.

The group of guards kept swarming and soon we were surrounded.

"This wasn't part of the plan!" Lucy shrieked.


One of the guards stepped forward with a staff in his hand.

"We can get this over with if you work with us." The guard spoke and the 4 of us were stuck not knowing what to do. I felt Laxus's grip on my wrist tighten and I looked at his face. Somehow instead of fear, I saw anger in his expression.

Laxus let go of my arm and walked forward. "You guys had made her suffer. You guys had made me suffer. You guys had made the whole guild suffer!"

"Laxus..." I murmured under my breath.


A huge bolt of lightning was blasted towards all the guards creating a huge explosion.

"CHARGE!" I heard someone yell and a herd of guards started running towards us.

"Open, Gate of the Ram. Aries!" Lucy summoned and Erza requipped to her Fire Empress Armor. 

"Light..Binding.." I tried to cast a spell, but I was all out of energy. My body felt weak and I was tired.

Lucy, Erza, and Laxus continued to knock out that guards that kept coming and all the other prisoners watched.

"It's no use, more are coming in. We have to leave before the Council members find out." Erza said to us. 

Suddenly the whole place went black. Everything was dark and I couldn't see anyone. There were no sounds except the heavy breathing from Laxus and Erza. 

"What's happening?" I whispered. I felt someone's hand holding mine and I instantly knew it was Laxus. 

"You're not leaving my side." Laxus whispered back and I nodded.

"HEY LUCE!" Someone called out and the room lit back up. Everything was normal, except one thing. All the guards and prisoners were sleeping.

What just happened?!

"LUCE!" The person called out again.

"Natsu!" Lucy cried and Natsu, Gray, and Wendy came running towards up. 

"I'm glad  you're all fine! Especially you, (y/n)." Wendy said as Lucy and Natsu hugged each other.

I hugged Wendy and we exchanged laughter.

"You guys are so stupid breaking in like this." I joked and Gray grinned.

"Let's go home now." Laxus came over and wrapped me in his fur coat.

"What just happened? Does Gramps know all about this? What about everyone else?" In all honesty, it didn't feel right to leave this place, even though I shouldn't be here in the first place.

"(y/n)....." Laxus stared into my eyes. Then he pulled me towards and wrapped his arms around my body.

"Laxus..." I buried my face in his shirt and Laxus placed his head on top of mine.

"We can deal with all of that later. The only important thing right now is that you're here with me safe and sound."

I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! In the next chapter, I will have some really really really really really REALLYYYYYY good news for you guys :D (at least I think it's good news). I'm pretty sure all of you will like it, so please stay with me and continue voting/commenting/reading. Also, excuse me if my writing is a bit terrible/boring these days. I have school on Thursday T_T Anyways, don't forget to keep loving Laxus <3

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