Can I keep you? Pt. 15

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"Have you thought of a name?" The nurse stood next to us, with the birth certificate in her hand. "Yeah, her name is F-." "Can her name please be Frigga?" Thor stood in the doorway, looking at me with sad eyes. At the sight of his niece, he smiled though and slowly walked towards us. "Of course, but...why?" He sat down on the bed beside me, slowly reaching his big hand towards my little girl's head. "She's dead. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you." Her too? Why? I squeezed my eyes shut, letting a few tears escape. Thor's hand found mine and squeezed it gently. Opening me eyes again, I saw tears in his. I think that was the first time I ever saw him cry. "Of course, her name will be Frigga. I think Loki would like that too." I smiled at the baby in my arms. She stared at us all, big blueish-greenish eyes, that changed from the one colour to the other. Her father's eyes.
"So, just Frigga?" The nurse smiled at us, while writing down the name. I couldn't help but smile, when I noticed her playing with her hair and  slightly flirting with the god of thunder. "Hey! If Thor gets to choose a name, I  want one too!" Natasha burst into the room, walking to our little group. "How  about Vivian? For the second name? She...was a friend." She shook off the  sadness in her eyes and wiggled her hands on my daughter's belly, causing her to giggle quietly. "Well, if that's the case, I want her to  be called Rania. I read that in one of Loki's books he left lying around."  Steve walked in and the nurse blushed. That's a good choice. It means 'nobility'."  Thor smiled. "And Thor told me once about Aesir. I like that too!" Clint was  next to enter. Bruce just followed him, nodding long with his choice. "What  about you, dad? Do you want to choose a name too?" He sat in his chair, smiling at  me and his granddaughter. "How about Pepper?" I smiled back at him and nodded.  "Yeah, I like that." I looked back at the others, all of them smiling lovingly  at the newest addition to the team. "That settles it. Her name is Frigga Vivian  Rania Aesir Pepper Stark. Princess of Asgard and precious member of the  Avengers." The nurse frantically tried to write all the names on the birth  certificate, while the others chuckled. "Y/N. I know, that life won't be easy.  Neither for you, nor your daughter. But I swear on my life, I will never let anyone,  or anything harm her." Thor stood up, put his hand over his heart and bowed  slightly. "Yeah, me too!" The others followed him suit, only my father staid in  his chair. "Guys..." I sniffled, and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Y/N, I  love my granddaughter as much as I love you. I too, swear that I'll never let  anyone harm her. But I also swear, that this child won't grow up without a father. I  think I can speak for all of us, when I say that we will treat this girl as if  she was our daughter...well, granddaughter." My father stood up and walked to  the front of the group. While the others nodded, he copied their stance from  before and bowed slightly to me and my daughter.
Yeah, my girl will be just fine.

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