Knocked Out Cold

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As Dawn was making herself to the hallway to get to the bathroom, she heard a splat noise. She turned around and saw a girl laying flat on the other side of the hallway. The girl had ratty hair, the color of feces and a pimple face. She also had abnormally huge sweet potato legs and puffer fish lips. Dawn ran up to her, naked and asked what happened and who she was. The girl said,

"My name is Olive, like an olive you can eat, but don't eat me". The girl, Olive started to hyperventilate. Dawn didn't know what to do in this situation, since she had a girl passed out on the ground and was skin naked. 

Dawn screamed, "I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE"

Shortly, a human with a puff on the top of her head came sprinting down the hallway. Olive was still hyperventilating. The human looked trained for this kind of situation, but just stood there watching Olive hyperventilate.

"Miss, aren't you going to do something!?" Asked Dawn as her nipples hardened, due to the freezing building.

"Just... wait! I need to.... WHY ARE YOU NAKED?" Screamed the human as soon as she realized the sight in front of her.

"Well... I was going to the bathroom but I saw Olive here knocked out cold. I thought she was dead." Dawn explained.

"Whatever... we need to cary this girl's body to the office... And I will obviously need help, because damn, look this child's weiner legs!" Said the human.

Still naked, Dawn and the human carried Olive to the office. Dawn was a very weak person which made it hard to carry Olive. Dawn was putting all her effort into carrying Olive, since her life was on the line. However, the spincher muscles which controlled her bowels weakened, as she left a trail of diarrhea. 

"By the way Dawn, My name is Debra... And dammm your pubic hairs are long"

Dawn blushed as her face turned more red than clifford the big red dog. 

"Thanks... technically, they are my man's, Mark. I got them surgically attached." Dawn bragged as she smiled. Suddenly, Debra stopped walking, causing Olive's head to collide into Dawn's vagina.

"Are you talking about.... THE MARK LONG?" Debra shockingly said.

"Yup, that's my man! He truly is my knight in shining armor whenever I am feeling a bit... horny." Dawn said as her cheeks turned as red as a baboon's ass.


"Wait.. you watch my man on porn" Dawn said

"No it's just that he has several math equations tatted on the bottom of his ass" Debra giggled.

As Dawn and Debra were both walking, they finally reached the front office at school. They layed her body on the office lady's desk as it jiggled. 

"Were going to need an ambulance, call 911" said Debra

"Oh dear, poor Olive, I will get that right for her" as the office lady dialed the phone number


"Im afraid you couldn't have done that since the number is blocked on your phone in this school....And why are you naked?" as the office lady asked with an angry tone.

"Well... I.... Umm... I GOTTA DIP!" Dawn said as she sprinted out of the room with her breasts bouncing up and down.

Just before Dawn reached the bathroom, the bell rang and students filled the halls packed like sardines. Dawn was stuck since she was so short and couldn't make herself through. She happened to be standing right by the pile of diahreah she gasses out earlier. All of a sudden, she heard a slipping noise and a fall. Dawn looked down behind her and saw a young middle school girl laying in her own shit staring right at her. The girl stood up as the diareha stained the back of her legs and her backpack. 

"Hi, my name is Sandra, who are you?" as she winked

"Oh you know just a human who needs to use the bathroom" said Dawn

"Then lets go to the bathroom" as Sandra winked and grabbed Dawns hand

As soon as Dawn and Sandra were in the bathroom, Sandra didn't hesitate to pull Dawn into a lesbian kiss. Dawn was shook when her lips were on Sandra's. She didn't know what to do, so she went into a stall. Dawn broke the kiss by shoving Sandra's head into the toilet. Sandra lied there, passed out. Dawn needed clothing, due to her nudity. The only thing she could think of was stripping Sandra down and wearing her clothes, leaving her in the toilet.

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