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This song was bound to be featured at some point. I mean, come on. It's Queen for God's sake.

So I was listening to my daily '80s music fix and I was listening to this song. I had bought it because people say that no nerd's soundtrack is complete without it, and I added it to my Wings of Fire playlist for no reason. As I was listening, I was imagining Winter and the IceWings performing a Hamilton-style number (LamsFiveEver) with Winter wrestling with an internal dialogue. I kinda was thinking that the last few lines of the song could imply that he's wrestling with his feelings for Moon and possibly letting his mind go to places it shouldn't (namely violent places) and then calming himself down as he studies a scavenger or something.

Anyway, the song you probably know from your dad's '70s and '80s mixtape, or from that movie that stole a well-deserved Golden Globe from Black Panther.

Song: Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody"






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