8. Rozenrood

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"What a fortunate denouement. I suppose it is good that you both like hugs." Duo shuddered.

"Where have you been? Mommy and Daddy were so worried! We thought someone took you away! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Una leaned her forehead against Paz's.

"I was playing! I wanted to see what it'd be like to be an adult! I went to the cinema, first! Then, for a jog in the park!"

"I saw you! But I wasn't sure that it was you! And I could never speak with you!"

"I'm here now." Paz's voice resounded with a hollow quality in the night.

"So many strange things happened, Paz! Duo coughed up this petal and he could suddenly speak! I've been following a petal trail all day just to get to you. I made it! We made it!" Una pointed at Duo.

The tomcat was now quietly sitting at her feet.

"Here, I have your backpack!" Una hastily handed Paz a light-blue backpack.

"Here, I have your backpack!"  Paz hastily handed Una a pink backpack.

"You're not going to believe your ears! Listen to this: I had to fight off the Screecher at Skul. She attacked me with Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs! I stole a car! And..." Una touched the craft shell necklace with a strange smile. "I kissed a boy! We got married! I think I got cooties!"

"Eww!" Paz giggled. "What was it like?" She leaned towards Una conspiratorially.

"Wet, I think." Una frowned. "I'm so happy I found you before midnight!"

"Me too!" Paz smiled. "It's still our birthday!"

"I have just a present for you! Meet Mr. Hugglesworth! Isn't he darling?" Una pulled the teddy bear out of her sister's backpack.

"He is, too!" Paz pressed him hard to her chest. "Why, however did you get him?"

"He helped me fight against ANU, a wooden doll!  She looked JUST like me! But she was SO angry! Oh boy, you should have seen that! And Mr. Hugglesworth could even speak for a while," Una giggled.

"I love him to bits!" Both girls exclaimed the same sentence.

 They stomped their feet in unison, mirroring each other's movements.

"And wait till you hear this! Imperial Icecreams was burnt by projectiles from Countly Cakes!" 

"No way!" Paz pressed her palms on her face.

"Yes way! Duo and I helped Rosalinda, the owner! She gave us Wish Your Flavor Icecream, for the road! She made it PermaFrost with a refrigerator she tossed inside! And: when she says Wish Your Flavor, she means every flavor! Just say the words and it tastes however you wish it to!"

"That is awesome! And you saved some for me! Awwwie!" Paz exclaimed.

"There'll be birthday cake inside but we can still have some ice cream before we get in! Mommy and Daddy won't know." Una brought her forefinger to her lips.

"I want it to taste like smiles and warmth," said Paz. "I've been cold and alone for so long." 

She licked the ice cream with the tip of her tongue and sighed. "It doesn't taste like anything."

"That's impossible," Una said. "Look! If I say: white chocolate, it... yes. It tastes like white chocolate to me." She nodded fervently.

"I thought it might not taste like anything. Forget about it. It's not your fault, Una." Paz shrugged.

"I don't understand."

"It's not your fault that I died." 

Paz motioned towards a cinematic canvas suspended in the air.

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