The Mimicker (Part 1)

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(Mimicking is a common thing in the insect world, so I wanted to use that as a name. It's crappy, I know. Also, this will be similar to the Copycat episode because I wanted to have Ladybug be jealous lol) 

Third Person POV 

"Welcome, one and all to the first official meeting of the Ladybug and Chat Noir fan club! I am the creator of the club, Maria Alexandre, and today we have two special guests! Give it up for Ladybug and Chat Noir!" 

Cheers erupted from the crowd, as Paris's saviors jumped onto the stage. They waved.

"Now, we are going to be doing a live interview," said Maria, "These are all questions that the members of the fan club have submitted." 

"Sounds good!" said Ladybug.

A few questions were asked and answered. Everything was going great! Soon, the meeting was over. 

"Wow! Thanks so much for coming," said Maria, shaking hands with the heroes. 

"No problem, thank you for having us," said Ladybug. 

"Yeah, I love connecting with my fans," said Chat Noir. Maria giggled. 

"Well, looks like we should be going, see you later!" said Ladybug, after hearing a beep from her earrings. She took off, jumped outside, and swung over the rooftops of Paris. 

"Yeah, guess I'll be going too," said Chat Noir, turning around to leave. 

"Wait! I have... something to tell you," Maria mumbled, as she nervously twirled her hair, "Chat Noir, I just wanna say... I-I like you." 

"Oh, um, well you see, me and Ladybug," he said, crossing his fingers, "Are kinda like this, ya know? Sorry." 

"Oh," she muttered.

"Well, sorry, but I've gotta go," said Chat Noir, waving as he ran outside. After he was gone, Maria sank to the floor, clutching a doodle of her and Chat Noir in her fist. 

"Stupid Ladybug! I think a new superhero needs to rise! I could be better than her on any given day!" she exclaimed. Just then, a certain dark butterfly flew towards her hand. She saw darkness as a purple butterfly outline surrounded her face. 

"Mimicker, I am Hawkmoth," a voice said, "And I believe a new hero will rise. I can help you, if you in turn give me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous." 

"Definitely, Hawkmoth," Maria said, with a smirk, as she became engulfed in purple swirls. They faded, and her dark brown braid had been replaced by a hair style and color strikingly similar to our favorite bluenette, Ladybug. Her grey sweater and casual jeans disappeared, and were replaced by the costume Ladybug wears.  

Marinette's POV 

I slid into my room, right as my transformation wore off. Tikki flew out, and I handed her a cookie. 

"Welp, that was fun," I said, as I picked up my sketchbook and tried finishing up some designs. 

"Definitely!" said my kwami, still munching on the cookie. Suddenly, on my computer, there was a breaking news alert! 

"Citizens of Paris, we are interrupting this program to inform you of some very shocking news. Our heroine, Ladybug, has just been sighted stealing a priceless artifact from the museum!"

"Agh, can't a bug get any rest around here?" I said, "Tikki, spots on!" 

My clothes turned back to the Ladybug costume, and when I was done, I leaped out into the city. 

Adrian's POV 

"Hey kid, take a look over here!" said my kwami, Plagg, gesturing to the TV. I almost spit out my water. On it, was a news alert that my lady was stealing from park vendors! 

"Oh no. No way. She would never do that! It's another imposter!" I practically yelled. 

"Chill out, we all get the message. You think Ladybug is perfect in all ways. Trust me, you talk in your sleep" said Plagg, rolling his eyes. 

"Plagg, claws out!" I said, transforming into Chat Noir.

(A/N) Oki, so I've split this into parts because it will be long. I've also figured out that I want to update this book monthly, with the exception of the next part(s) to this story. I hope y'all have an great day! Stay awesome! 

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