"Excuse me, paws off"

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{"Your Scars define who you are, dont be afraid to flaunt them"}

{"Your Scars define who you are, dont be afraid to flaunt them"}

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|Name: Precious|

•Pronunciation of name: Puh-Re-shis
•Meaning of Name: Of great Worth
•Reason for name: Her owner adopted her as a puppy and knew she was worth more then any price.

÷Age: 26 in dog years÷

*Birthday: March 16th
*Zodiac: Pisces

--Gender: Female--

◇Physical Gender: Female
◇Mental Gender: Female

<Breed:Belgian Tervuren>

(Sexuality: Bi-sexual)

¤Ideal Partner: Precious' s ideal partner is someone who is of a large breed and can defend themselves and her. She would prefer a more dominant male, but one that also is slightly laid back and has a sense of humor.

/Job they preform: Service Dog\

!"Flattery gets you no where in life, it takes actual effore sweetheart"!

=Appearance: = Precious is a slender female, made for speed and agility rather then head on fighting she relies on her speed to help her out

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=Appearance: = Precious is a slender female, made for speed and agility rather then head on fighting she relies on her speed to help her out. Now she is slightly smaller then the average German Shepard female and has a longer snout. She had honey brown eyes and shorter fur since she gets hot most of the time. She has a few Scars if bite marks on her torso and snout

▪Main fur color: Black

▪Secondary Fur color: Tan

▪Paw-pad Color: Charcoal

▪Nose color: Black

▪Eye color: Honey Brown

▪Body structure: Slim, built for speed and agility

^Mentality: Strong^

Strengths: Precious is a very gentle female, so she is good at comforting people. She is very good at running around and has Alot of stamina. She is also pretty good at reading body language and detecting if something's wrong

Weaknesses: As previously Stated, Precious is a very gentle female. She will ignore the signs saying how she should speak up and finally do so once it's almost to late. She is also physically not that strong, she can't really fight bigger dogs but she will try to protect her family

Likes: Playing, Running, Her owner, helping others, pups, water

Dislikes: Fighting, Causing harm, yelling, confrontation, her friends getting hurt, not being able to save her loved ones

"I'm fine, are you okay? Talk to me, let it out"

*Personality: Precious is a very gentle female, who enjoys the happiness of others

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*Personality: Precious is a very gentle female, who enjoys the happiness of others. She would rather not talk about her feelings and let you rant about yours then accidently hurt your feelings in some way. She can be extremely protective when she needs to be, and will always put her loved ones first, no matter what.*

Trait One~ Quiet: Precious is a very quiet dog, she always prefers to listen then to speak. If you out her on the spot she will stumble over herself and just come crashing down, unable to get a hold of herself

Trait Two~ Wise:Precious has been through some things in life, so she has learned from experiences what to do in certain situations. She will give you the best advice she can, and if she doesn't know she will advise you on what she does, only if it helps you though.

Trait Three~ Loyal: Precious is Very
Loyal. She will give you her entire heart and soul, in exchange for some affection. If you have her trust you will have her for life

Trait Four~ Caring: Now I'm sure we've realised by now that Precious us a very caring female, which she is, and she will not hesitate to throw herself straight In fire to protect those she loves. It doesn't matter how physically or mentally hurt/Exhausted she is, she will make it her absolute goal to make sure your feeling better, even if it kills her in the process.


Full Backstory: Precious was born at a very crowded puppy mill, where most service dogs are bred and raised. She was taken away from her mother when she was 8 weeks, barely able to remember her mother since she was only allowed near them to feed them.
Flash forward a few months and she had been going through various training, soon completing it and getting put up for adoption. She was adopted by a little boy, who suffered from sever anxiety. They instantly bonded and fell in love, and she swore to protect him. She was there every time he had a panic attack and she would always help him. One day as they were playing on the streets, a group of stray dogs had their eye on her little boy, Ben. They had begun to circle him when he noticed and began to panic, but he was shoved out the way when they lunged, able to make it back home. Precious had taken the assault of the attack, and was rushed to the vet. She still lives with her human and has scars from that day.

How their backstory has affected them: It has made her more alert, and more protective. It has also made her weary of other dogs due to the near death experience

"I'm sorry."

~Family: Everyone Precious thought was family is dead

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~Family: Everyone Precious thought was family is dead.~

Pups?: None

Past Mate?: None

Siblings?: None

Owner(s)?: Ben Shepherd

Owned or stray: Owned

Friends: Ben, a few neighborhood dogs

Enimies: That group of stray, Ben's father

Other: None

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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