Chapter 2 (Sarah's pov)

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Chapter 2:

(Sarah's pov)

As I put the last of the thing in my backpack I thought about Aang. His green eye like emeralds. His marking so amazing and power full. But the fact that he's the avatar was weird. How can he be the avatar? I am the avatar to bring peace and happiness. I know he'll bring peace too. Maybe if I ask the avatars from the past. I'll go to the earth kingdoms. I'll be safe there. Right? So as I started to leave I walked past Aang and a few other people, sleeping. As I walk by I step on a twig and Zuko wakes up. Then starts to shoot fire at me. But I doge the fire balls.

"Zuko! Stop please! It me, Sarah!" I yelled and he stopped and stared at me.

"Sarah?" He asked and looked at me a little longer. Aang woke up and saw me, and shoot up then ran to me. Then he hugged me.

"Sarah!!" He said wail hugging me.

"Aang, you saw me last night. It not like it was five years ago. Unlike some people here!" I said coldly at the end and shoot a glare at Zuko.

"You're still mad about that?" He asked shyly, wail looking at the ground.

"No dip Sherlock!" I said.

"Uh can I ask?" Aang said and stopped hugging me.

"Oh Aang, Zuko and this use to be my best friend. Till he told me to leave because I was in danger." I said.

"Best friend? From what I remember we were dating!" He said. And Aang went wide eye.

"Ya in your dreams!!" I said.

"No for real and you know it!" He said. And at this point every one was awake.

"Zuko just leave her alone!" Katara said. I'm going to get alone with her just fine.

"She started it." He said.

"Oh grow up Zuko!!!" I said.

"I did, you clearly haven't." He said. At this point I was madder then a hornet. So I did what any avatar would do and walked away I have a long journey and I don't need this right now. I walked to the edge of the temple and looked down. Then I stepped back to get a tuning start. Then I ran off the cliff and used my staff to fly. And off I go to the earth bending avatar temple.


As I was flying I heard a flying bison. But why.... Oh no they're following me!! Fly faster glider!!

"Sarah Waite!! Sarah!!" Aang yelled as he cote up to me.

"Sarah come on we'll give you a ride." Katara said with a smile.

"Well.... Ok." I said and hopped in.

"So where're ya going?" Aang asked me.

"I'm going to the avatar earth temple." I said and every one looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing I just thought only avatar' can enter there?" Zuko asked me.

"Well I go to clean there." I said hoping they'll by it.

"Oh ok!" Aang said and flew right there. We landed and I got off and ran inside.

I ran to a room and locked the door. I got in the passion and started to meditate.


"Why is he the avatar I thought I was?" I asked.

"It had happened before. I remder he was a water avatar and she was an earth avatar. Born at the same time. They made peace together and fell in love along the way." Avatar Kyoshi explained.

"So will me and Aang fall in love?" I asked hoping it would be yes.

"I can't say. You may love him but if he dose not feel the same way then no. But it might be a yes." She stated.

"But I don't if I should tell him that I'm an avatar like him." I said. I don't know what to do.

"You can tell him but when you are ready. Ok?" She asked.

"Ok." I said.

"Now I have to go your friend is looking for me." She said with a laugh and I nodded. I bowled and she did the same and I leave.


I stopped meditating and in locked the door and ran out to were Aang can't see me. I ran to the back and bumped in to some one.

"Ow... Oh I'm so sorry!" I said getting up, and see to who it was. And it's Zuko just my luck.

"Oh it you well in that case I'm not sorry." I said with a smile.

"Ge thanks. By the way what are you doing tanning like that?" He asked.

"What are you doing standing in my way?" I snapped.

"You're just like Katara." He said.

"No I'm not. I trusted you she didn't." I stated coldly.

"You didn't answer my question." He said.

"I'm leaving I did what I need to do and now I can leave and get away from you." I said and started to walk away.

"Ok but don't you want to said good bye to your boyfriend?" He said mockingly. I truned to face him.

"He's not my boy friend." I said.

"Bet you wish he was." He said and he know I like Aang.

"Ok so I do like him, and your point?" I asked.

"Oh never mind!" He said. Going to leave. I had to stop him.

"So I see you still have no honer. But if you did you wouldn't have that scare still." I said and he tightened his fist. I got him. But I wasn't expending him to come after me so I used fire bending to fight him off.

"I see you learned new skills." I said and he gave a small smirk.

"Ya you haven't." He said.

"That's cause I know every move to the element of fire." I said with a smirk and crossed my arms.

"Ok. So you and Aang...?" He asked.

"Me and Aang what?" I said.

"I know you like him." He stated.

"I know you know that if you tell him I'll burn you to ashes. Do I make my self clean?" I said and he nodded.

"So how's you and May going? Or did you leave her for another girl?" I asked with a smirk.

"It was going great but I left her to go with your boyfriend Aang." He said and smirked back at me.

"You are the jerk that breaks hearts every he goes still. And I told you he's not my boyfriend. I bet he doesn't even feel the same way." I stated.

"So you do like him." Zuko said.

"Ya so?" I asked not seeing the big deal.

"So it's a big deal. You fell in love with the avatar." He said. So an avatar can't love another avatar.

"Ok so I still don't see the big deal!" I said.

"I just think it's funny." He said.

"I know you're hiding something, Zuko." I said.

"Never mind. Hey you part of the group now so welcome aboard." He said and walked away.

"What?" I said not believing him. So I keep walking and turned the corner.

The second avatar. (The last air bender fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now