🌌010: Picture Starters🌌

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Baby Lotor: This smol child was abandoned by his parents, left at the doorstep of an orphanage in the cold

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Baby Lotor: This smol child was abandoned by his parents, left at the doorstep of an orphanage in the cold. One day, you came to the orphanage to see if they had a child that peaked your interests. Then, you saw the baby above, in a cradle hugging a star plushie.

Munchies: You've noticed Lotor has been sneaking off to God knows where. You decide to follow him, only to find that his big secret was he loved animal crackers. How do you react to this?

Prepare for Trouble! Make it Double!: Oh no. It's the Duo of Doom. Loki and Lotor. Lotor and Loki (fangirls of this duo name them Lotki). These two are an evil all their own.

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