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new students are always the people everyone wants to be around because they want to expand their friend group. well i have the horrid pleasure of having to stay with her. but for multiple reasons. 1 being that i was literally told to, 2 that she's such a tiny and quiet girl and really anyone can overlook her. the last reason being that i didnt want to leave her alone. she's quiet but when she does speak, she's actually so hilarious.

we have only a few classes near each other but i loved that she came today of all days because i forgot to finish my homework for a few classes. i'd use the pass that the dean gave us for the day and excused the both of us from the classes that i wanted to avoid.

but when lunch came, i got nervous, she'd have to sit with my friends. i already got semi-close with her and i don't want any of those bozos to steal her.

" guys, this is kailani. she's new here. " i introduced her. the boys seemed to have quite a few questions for her and i could tell that she was uncomfortable.

i grabbed her hand to bring her to the table. but i felt this thing. like i was floating and i think she felt it too because she just looked at me. we both dismissed it and i escorted her to the table.

it was a weird silence but the edwin just had to break it.

" you're really short," he blurted out randomly.

" y eres feo. No estoy quejanda " she shrugged. i didn't know she spoke spanish but she spoke it very fluently and confidently.

" so first of all, stop lying. im cute as hell. second, im not complaining. it feels great not to be the shortest out of our friend group"

" quien dijo que éramos amigos? " she responded casually and i couldn't quite understand her but she seemed sassy.

" bitch me! "

" okay first of all watch your mouth cause i will smack you. second, i don't know y'all so we not friends "

" what did you just say to me? " edwin had his hand dramatically over his chest and leaned back to add dramatic effect.

" i said what i said, i meant what i said, and i said what i meant."

" i like you already " brandon smiled taking a bite off of his fork.

" i would say the same but y'all are so quiet. it's weird and caleb talks too much so i know y'all do too! " kailani says while casually taking a bite of her tuna sandwich. i pretended to be offended this time.

" well it gets weird 'cause you're quiet as fuck. so obviously i'm gonna try to start of conversation. "

" i'm quiet because i'm shy dummy! have you not noticed? " before i could retaliate from her insult, a sight that no one ever thought would be seen appeared.

kalvin, captain of literally every sports team on the school, the most infamous boy in the school at that, walked up to the table.

" how was your day, mamas? " his smooth voice spoke, kissing kailani on her cheek.

it was no surprise to me that kalvin was a player. but he's hitting on a girl he never met and she's okay with it! such a great body never comes with the brains.

" it was chill. i made some new friends " she smiled, getting up to hug him; the modest kiss on the cheek not enough.

" but 5 seconds ag- " edwin began to speak but kailani cut him off.

" shut the fuck up " and all of a sudden she wasn't shy anymore.

" be nice. wassup y'all. i'm kalvin. " he flashed that smile that made the girls go crazy. " but lani, we're about to do a wave check. your friends can come if they want but i need you. " he pulled her out of her seat and into her feet.

" why you need me? " kailani asked, sitting back down only for kalvin to pick her back up.

" to take off my du rag " he responded in a duh tone.

" get one if your hoes to do it or something "

" first of all, i don't have hoes. i don't fuck with anyone here, except you and my boys. don't try to play me like that. "

kailani sighed knowing that she wouldn't win the argument and that there was no chance of her even winning.

i looked at the boys and all of them had this look like they were surprised. they all stood up getting ready to follow kalvin.

zion kuwonu , wet dreams !Where stories live. Discover now