Confession Time, Plus Extra

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This memory was a bit embarrassing to say the least. Well, not to the moms, they saw it coming way before he did. Michael, on the other hand, thought that it was going to be a mind blown for his parents. The original plan was not to confess a thing that he had hoped to keep for himself for a while. But, as you know, life never goes as planned, at least they are accepting.

Michael grew up in a very loving home, he had two great moms that even if they annoyed him, they always gave their support in anyway possible. Do to their jobs though, they tended to be either secluded or away most of the time, but whenever they could, they would all spend time together. Thanks to him having such great moms, plus actually being two moms, he was raised in a very open minded and accepting way. Which he was thankful for.

It was around 7th grade when Michael came to terms that he was gay. He had never felt any attraction towards females or other people in general, except guys. Well, one guy in particular, but that was a thing for another time. He was in a bit of denial at first, not necessarily against himself being it, but more towards making sure he absolutely was. After a while of thinking about it, he decided to tell all the people who he cared about.

He felt some comfort in telling his friends first, well, friend. He had texted Jeremy that afternoon, something about having to meet and him having some very important news. Of course, Jeremy accepted and told him to come to his house whenever he felt like it. Which it seemed that it was in 10 min, Michael wanted to stop by a 7/11 that was a small walking distance from where Jeremy lived. He wanted to buy some snacks to ease his mind into telling him.

Jeremy was waiting anxiously for Michael. He had never really sounded so serious through a text. He thought that there might be a possibility that it's something dumb, but he had been his friend for a really long time, he doubted that. Could it be that he had found a better friend and just wanted to dump him politely? No, he wouldn't do that. He tried to think more positive thoughts, maybe it was a crush or just something that's going on in his life. Jeremy tried to calm himself as he watched the time pass.

About ten minutes later, like Michael had stated, he knock on the door of the Heere household. Mr. Heere opened the door and let Michael in, waving in the process. He actually had a key for the door, but he preferred to knock to be respectful, the key being more for emergencies or late meetings. He made his was towards Jeremy's room, once he got there Jeremy waved at him and motioned him to come closer, him sitting next to him on his bed.

He opened up the baggy that had all the goodies that he had bought and gave some to Jeremy, after munching for a while, both having had small talk about school and stuff, Michael decided it was time.

“Well, do you know why I have gathered you today?”, Michael said, trying to use humor to calm himself.

“Not really, but I'm as ready as I'll ever be to find out.”, Jeremy added with an awkward smile.

“We are best friends right?”

“Of course dude, is that even a question?”

“Just checking.”, Michael replied with a small laugh. “You would never judge me for anything, would you?”

“Unless it's about you changing aotd as your favorite game or some weird internet thing, then no never.”, Jeremy said trying to ease the small tension that there is.

“Obviously not Jere, aotd for life. Last question before the last thing. You would never leave me behind for something right?”

“I'm always going to be by your side Micah, even if you were transformed into a zombie, I would drag your ass to find a cure.”

“That's reassuring to say the least.”, there was a small silence between them, after a long sigh, Michael started. “I've been thinking about stuff lately.”

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