Chapter 1: Page 1

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" I Broke Another Heart Today, & I Didn't Care I Just Walked Away"

I never completely understood why they said you never really know someone until you been around them for two years. I been around Jacob my whole life,and i never seen this coming. I never seen anything thing coming. Me falling in love with Jacob, me getting pregnant and loosing both of my babies. Me becoming a werewolf. Me living the life I'm living today.

Its been three years since i seen any of my old friends even family. Not even Jacob. The words from the last time i spoke too him keep replaying in my head.

" I know you don't love me anymore but i will always love you. Please remember that, you were the only girl who i truly loved. Where ever you go i will find you.

He then leaned in and kissed me...After he pulled back he whispered the words "I love you" and got into his car and drove off."

I don't know what it is but i cant get that out my head, it keep replaying and replaying and replaying. And i know what your thinking "you miss Jacob?" Well no, i don't. He is the past,and i just hope my past doesn't catch up with me any time soon.

Anyways let me go pick up my son amir from daycare. Yes guys amir is now 6 and is my perfect little angel. We actually found out that Amir is a werewolf. We think his parents might have been killed. When he changed for the first time on his 6th birthday, he was all black. Just beautiful, he was quite scared though cause he didn't know what was happening to him. We had to sit for hours and explain too him what he was and that he must never tell anyone about it.

Lucas thought it was a bad idea for him to go to school and daycare, but i wanted him to have a normal child hood. Just because he is a little different, doesn't mean he cant have a normal child hood. We spend one hour a day teaching him about what he is and how to control his wolf. The cutest thing ever is that he named his wolf teddy. How cute.

But, Me and Lucas haven't had any children of our own yet. Amir is an hand full and he's all we need right now. Lord knows we just needed time away to get settled down.

"Babe, do you want me to go pick up amir?" Lucas was walking down the stairs of our home. He was dressed in basketball shorts and a black v-neck. Looking sexy as always. I swear I loved this man, and i don't think its the Mate thing. It was just pure love.

I had to think back to myself to remember his question, since i was so distracted by his looks. " I was about too but if you want, you can"

"Come with me?" He asked is the most sweetest voice ever. Aww he can be such a baby sometimes.

"Yea love, hold on let me go put on my shoes." I ran up then steps and went into or room closet an grabbed the first pair of Jordan's i saw. They turned out to be black and red and i was wearing a purple and black shirt, but i didn't care. I wasn't going out to impress anybody. I already got my love waiting for me down stairs.

I smiled to my self and began to walk back down the steps. I reached the bottom and saw Lucas looking at me with a smirk on his face. "What's funny asshole?" I said with a hint of laughter spilling off my tongue.

"Nothing baby, are you ready to go?" He opened the door for me and i hit him in the stomach on the way out the door. "Ouch!" He yelled after me. "Watch when we get back home, I'm gonna fight you, angel." He said after locking the door and walking over to the drivers side of the car.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you ain't gone do ain't gone do it." I replied climbing in. He started the car and backed out our drive way. Amirs daycare was only a few miles down the street so it only too us about ten to fifteen minutes to get there.

When we arrived, me and Lucas finally got out the car. We locked hands and walked inside the building. We both walked towards the main desk, and asked for amir. The lady picked up here phone and dialed his teachers number and for him to be walked up. She soon hung and and told us we can have a seat and wait for him. I honestly hate this place, don't get me wrong its a nice place for Amir. I would never put him in one of those shitty day cares where they beat your children. Its just every time me and Lucas walk in here, the other parents look at us like we should be picking up our little brother or sister. Not our son.

And its annoying, but when i look back over to the door amir usually comes out of, i see his little self running towards us. Followed by a mad looking teacher. " Mommy! Daddy! Hi!" I bent down to hug him and kiss his cheek.

"Hi baby you ready to go home?" He as about to respond when his teacher Mrs.Alice had something to say.

"Uh..not so fast, i need to speak with you guys, in my office please" She turned on her heels and walked towards the back, where i assume her office is. I looked at Lucas he just shrugged an followed her grabbing amirs hand. I followed after him.

We stopped when we seen her holding open her door open for us. We all just walked right through and sat down waiting to hear what she had to say. " Well first of all i wanted to talk about amirs behavior. He has a very bad temper. He doesn't play well with the other children. When they try to play with him he gets mad, very mad and very fast." I shifted in my seat and i think Lucas noticed. He put his hand over mines and squeezed it. I was hoping this wasn't going where i thought it was. I didn't need her to tell me the whole day care center saw amir turn into a black little wolf.

" And when he gets mad he growls. He does it very loudly, now please when i say this do not take offense. But i don't think he should be at this kind of daycare. Maybe he should go to some other kind for kids who have his same problem. I even looked up a few day care for kids with mental-" i cut her off right there.

" Are you trying to call my son special Ed!?!" Now my temper was rising and if she kept pissing me off i was going to be ready to change an rip her head off! How dare she think amir has a mental problem!

"N-no Mrs, i was just thinking maybe it was just a stage of autism. I didn't mean to offend you" I felt my body shaking, yeah i was definitely angry now. Lucas came to my side a held me an was whispering in my ear telling me to calm down. I knew i had to or our whole lives would change again.

"Mrs. Alice, my son does not have autism. Have you ever thought maybe he was just being a child and growling! Like children do! They do have imagination!" I was still mad but i had calmed down enough to speak. This lady had no right to assume my son had some kind of disorder.

"Well yes, but his growling was so real. Almost like a animal was in the room. All the children would get scared and no one wants to play with him anymore. When he comes in he sits by himself. Not one of our kids with even think about going to talk to him. I just thought-"

"Well you thought wrong. I will be taking my son out of here tomorrow. Have a nice day." I grabbed amirs hand and led him back out towards the main entrance with Lucas right next to me.

"Baby are you okay?" He unlocked the doors and i put Lucas in his booster seat and made sure he had his seat belt on.

Opening my door and climbing in i answered Lucas. "Yeah but you were right. I think its time we take him out of daycare an school before something happens..."

Aaaannnnnddd Scene!!!

Thank you guys for being so patient! I will be updating again in the morning or afternoon.

I love you guys!

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and COMMENT what you guys think should happen next!! Ill take everything into consideration!


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