Chapter 22: The Proposal

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Aaron's POV.

I'm so nervous to the point where I'm shaking. This is the moment I was waiting entire life.

"Aaron...why are you shaking?" Roni asked

"Uh it's nothing" I said still shaking as she grabs my other hand making my heart skip a beat.

"What's wrong babe?" Roni asked

"You'll see" I said with a smile.

"Um okay" Roni said

About an hour later we arrive

"Hey I'll put a blindfold on you" I said

"What?" Roni asked

"I'll put a blindfold on you" I said

"Why?" Roni asked

"You'll see" I said

"Ugh I hate how you're teasing me" Roni said as I laugh then put on her blindfold. She holds my hand and I lead the way.

"Aaron where the hell are we going?" Roni asked

"We'll be there in a minute. Be patient" I said

"Ugh ok. Ya know all these teasing is making me a bit scared on what you're gonna do to me" Roni said

"It's not like I'm gonna hurt you" I said laughing

"I know you won't but I'm just scared. I mean- why did I have to dress up so fancy if this was just a date? I'm a bit curious now" Roni said

2 mins later. We arrive at the spot.

"Ready?" I asked

"Kinda. No. Not rlly. I'm scared" Roni said

"Stop talking" I said laughing

"I'm sorry" Roni said as I take off her blindfold.

Roni's POV.

Aaron takes off my blindfold revealing a place that has all our Polaroid pictures around every where you look there's a picture of us, every memory, every picture, every letter. It's all there. I see a dinner table for two, a violin playing, and a waiter waiting for us. Lights were everywhere, the design was everything I could ever wish for. This place reminded me of everything me and Aaron went through. Tears started falling down my eyes recalling every single memory  in every picture.

"Aaron how did you do this?" I asked

"I asked Nessa if I can open your box of memories. There I found a lot of pictures of us so I combined it with some of mine. do u like it?" Aaron asked as I hug him tightly

"I love it...and I love you" I said

"I love you too. Now shall we eat dinner?" Aaron asked

"Yes" I said as we both sat and ordered our food

"I'm going to take a cheeseburger with fries pls" Aaron said

"And I will take lasagna with garlic bread" I ordered

"Any drinks ma'am, sir?" The waiter asked

"I'll take a vanilla milkshake" I said

"Just water for me" Aaron said

"Okay your order will be served in 15-20 minutes" the waiter said then left

"Aaron this is incredible" I said

"Yeah I know." Aaron said

"Why'd you do this?" I asked

"'re the most beautiful and amazing person in my life. You mean the world to me Roni" Aaron said as I give him a kiss.

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