Chapter 32

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The car slowly came to a stop in the parking lot. Someone knocked on the window causing Wang Jie to exclaim, “Sir?!”

Du Yan Su went inside the car and warmly said, “Go to Palette, I made a reservation.”

“Baby, you haven’t eaten?”

“Are you tired? Have a headache?” Du Yan Su sat in the back and looked at the baffled Du Yu Shu. He exposed a gentle smile, “You probably didn’t eat right? If I had not come today, you probably would’ve just fallen asleep am I right?”

Du Yu Shu jolted and couldn’t believe her eyes, “Ge?!”

“Yes, it’s me,” Du Yan Su smiles, “You’re not going to give me a hug? If you look at me unfamiliarly, I will be sad.”

Du Yu Shu happily spoke in a spoiled tone, “Ge~, why are you here?”

“I miss my baby, so I want to come and see you. What, you don’t believe me?” Du Yan Su gently laughs and rubs her hair, “Unlike you who have no conscience. You don’t even miss me after not seeing me in so long.”

“I miss you,” Du Yu Shu stressed, “I miss you so, so much!”

“I know that you miss me, that is why I did not contact you. What if you missed me more, what are you gonna do?” Du Yu Shu smiled like a cunning little fox, “If you missed me every day, I would feel very distressed.”

“You only know how to say sweet words to coax me.” Du Yan Su hummed. His facial features turned gentle and he hugged Du Yu Shu.

It is already getting late, the sun outside the window is slowly disappearing. Du Yan Su’s voice is soft and clear, sounding bright and clear in the slightly dark car.

Du Yu Shu rushed into Du Yan Su’s arms. It’s been so long since she’s seen her brother and couldn’t help but want to feel pampered. Du Yan Su gently stroke her back and said, “I’m here.”

Although that sentence is short, it is concise and powerful.

To Du Yu Shu, if other people said this sentence, it would not have the same effect.

This is the unbreakable bond of siblings. This is her brother who would always love and treasure her in the palm of his hand and would never hurt her.

She trusts him as much as she would trust herself. She is willing to rely on him and stay by his side, like a newborn baby who doesn’t have to worry about anything,

He is her brother.

Her only brother.

Even if they are separated by two cities, she is still his only sister, his most precious sister. He will treasure her in his hand.

Du Yan Su smiled and stroked her hair. He looked soft and gentle but his eyes carried some indifferent harshness as he looked at the people sitting on the front seat. Wang Jie and the driver didn’t look back or in the rear-view mirror.

The little assistant sitting at the very last seat sank into the shadow. He wanted to throw himself out of the car, not wanting Du Yan Su to notice him.

Ge…” Du Yu Shu rubbed her eyes, acting like a little child. She tightly grabbed onto Du Yan Su’s shirt, her cheeks slightly red, “I want to eat your egg tomato noodles.”

“Okay, okay,” Du Yan Su held back his laughter, “I’ll make it for you.”

“Leading Actress Du, could you let go of my clothes?” Du Yan Su teased, “If Miss Du continues to pull on my clothes, I’ll have to walk around naked on the streets.”

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