Chapter Two: At The Hospital.

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Zuruku pulled into a parking spot in the car park. I climbed out of the car with my bag over my shoulder and Asuna's in my hand. We were only a few rows into the parking lot and only about fifty meters away from the emergency entrance. We walked into the hospital in silence. The emergency room was almost empty which surprised me, It was Campbelltown Hospital. It was usually packed with people who either looked fine or who were being left out in the waiting room instead of being taken into the back and being seen to.

I followed Zuruku to the inquiries desk. "Hi, my sister came in through ambulance." He said to the nurse. "What's her name?" "Asuna." "What's her last name?" Zuruku looked at me. "Uuuh?" "She's you're sister and you don't know her last name?" "Well, I haven't seen you in over thirteen years." "Her name is Asuna Night." I said. The nurse nodded. "She's in the children's section in bed six." she said. "Thanks." I said and together, Zuruku and I walked through the double doors and into chaos.

As soon as I walked into the children's section, police invaded me with questions, nurses and doctors insisted that I had my wounds checked and taken care of. Luckily for me, Zuruku stepped in. "Hold on. Zero's fine. He's here to see his sister and make sure she's fine. He's also already been questioned." He said.  I looked at him shocked. My mother did too. Asuna was laying on the bed asleep. She had already been dripped. I pushed through the crowd and sat on the end of the bed.

Asuna slowly opened her eyes. "Zero." She said. I brushed her brown hair away from her eyes. "Zero, there are a few things you need to know." My mother said. "What damage did that bastard do to Asuna?" I said. "She's paralyzed. From the shoulders down. The doctors said that there isn't really much they can do." My mother said through tears. Asuna looked away from me. "So she's stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of her life! I'm going to kill him for this." "Zero, calm down. You're about to find out a lot of things that will make you hate a lot of people." Zuruku said. I took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault that this happened. I shouldn't have opened my mouth about what he said to me when no one was around. But you should know, Mother he had been abusing me for a long time. He's always hated me and I know that it's because I'm a boy and not girl." I said. Tears filled my eyes. I blinked hard against the tears. My eyes dried quickly.

"Zero, there are things that I should have told you before, but I just couldn't figure out how to tell you." Mother said. "Tell me now." I said. "Asuna, will you be alright alone for a little while?" She said to her daughter. Asuna nodded.

I kissed her forehead and we all walked out of the hospital together.

The night air was still soothing. My blood boiled with anger. "Zuruku's your older brother. But he isn't your father's son." "He's my half brother." I said slowly. My mother nodded. "Yes, he is." Zuruku stood there quietly. I knew it must've been hard for him to stand here next to someone whom he hadn't seen in over thirteen years. "What else do I need to know?" I said. "Only about what you really are." I raised an eyebrow at my mother. She sighed. "Zero, there's a legend behind our family. It affects the men of the family, but the women are the carriers. They carry the gene." I blinked.

"Try and think of it like the anime D.N. Angel. How the Niwa family has a curse. How at the age of fourteen the curse is triggered, but it only affects the men in the family and only if their father is a Niwa." Zuruku said. "So basically my life is like an anime series." I rolled my eyes. "Wait, Daisuke was fourteen when the curse was triggered. I'm sixteen. And the curse for him was to turn into another being, an angel, named Dark." I said confused.

"What's our family curse?" "Werewolves. We turn into werewolves on our seventeenth birthday. We don't need a full moon, well not if we keep under control." Zuruku said. "What do you mean 'under control'?"

I asked. "Some werewolves kill. I don't mean animals, I mean humans and what's worse, is that they enjoy it. They love killing innocent people." Zuruku said. "Have you ever killed a human before?" Zuruku looked away. "Yeah, but it was an accident. I didn't mean to. I feel guilty every day because of it." "Does that mean you can only turn on a full moon?" "No. The werewolves that are limited to the full moon, their curse it worse. We have a choice to turn after the first six months, but if you kill people just for the sake of it or go on a rampage, then you have no choice but to turn every full moon even if there's the rare more then one a month full moons." Zuruku explained.

"So this is why you came. Tomorrow's my seventeenth birthday. You came to get me and take me away from our mother and sister." I said. "Zero, I was taken away from all of you at an early age. The difference being, I had our uncle to help me and explain everything. He taught me everything I needed to know." Zuruku said. I sighed. "You only have me Zero. No one else can help you." I nodded. I knew he was right. He was the only one that had gone through all of this. "Okay. I'm guessing you want to leave tonight." I said.

He nodded. "But we can wait a little longer. Asuna needs all the support she can get. And this will be the last time for you to see her, at least for a while." I cocked my head to the side. "What do you mean?" "At first the urge to kill is almost unbearable and you can't control when you turn into a wolf, but as time goes by, you learn and it becomes easier to bear." "How long until I'll be able to control myself?" I asked.

"I don't know. It differs with the person." He said. I nodded. I should have expected that to be his response. "Zuruku, if you don't mind, I need a few minutes alone with Zero." Mother said. Zuruku nodded and headed back into the hospital. "I know this is a lot to take in, but this is why your father always seemed to push you away. This is why I left him. I couldn't stand how he was treating you especially when he knew about the curse before I married him, before I fell pregnant with you. He knew about Zuruku as well." She said sadly.

"That's why Zuruku didn't live with us, why Asuna and I didn't know about him. Father didn't want us to know about him, or the curse and he wouldn't take Zuruku in." I said finally making sense of the truth. My mother nodded. "Yes. Your father thought he was protecting Asuna. He knew he couldn't stop or protect you from the curse, so he pushed you away and tried-" "Tried making sure that Asuna and I didn't get close. He didn't want her or himself to get hurt when we had to say goodbye."

I sighed. It was finally starting to make sense. I knew that I had to say goodbye to Asuna tonight and that I wouldn't be able to see her for a very long time. Then suddenly I collapsed and fell unconscious.

"Zero! Zero! Wake up!" I heard Zuruku's voice. I fluttered my eyes open. My hearing came back to normal and I heard the heart monitor beeping steadily. Zuruku was shaking my shoulder. "What happened?" "I was hoping you could tell me. You passed out." Zuruku said. "Wait where am I?" In the hospital moron! I heard a voice inside my head say. "In hospital. One of the nurses was walking by when you passed out. Mother tried saying it was nothing to be concerned about, that you were just tired, but the nurse saw Your other injuries and insisted you got them seen to." I couldn't believe it. I knew that they would have found something wrong, especially if they had me on a heart monitor. I chewed my bottom lip. How could I be so stupid? I should have gotten changed or at least covered my injuries.

I gain feeling in my body and felt the pain in my chest. I gasped and placed a hand on my chest. The heart monitor sped up. "What the hell?" I looked down the hospital gown to see a bandage on the centre of my chest. Father must have gotten me after all. I thought. I looked up at Zuruku. He nodded. "Yeah, he got you. But the doctor said you'll be fine now."

"How can I be fine? He stabbed me." "He didn't stab you deep enough to cause any real damage. He missed your heart, but only just." I had almost died. I blinked a few times. "How long was I passed out for?" "A day." I missed my birthday. "But that means I'm seventeen and I slept through my birthday." I said my thoughts aloud. Zuruku nodded. "Yeah. You didn't turn if that's what you're wondering." I looked at him shocked and confused. "What do you mean? How could I not have turned?" He shrugged. "My guess is as good as yours." I groaned. I needed answers and I needed them now.

Please give me feedback as to how I can improve and make it better. Thank you.

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